“Yes, I am very aware that he doesn’t want me to go.”
“Did he tell you why?”
I took another bite and chewed methodically as I mulled over how to respond. “Yes, Greg told me that I was a distraction and not only to him, but the other guys wouldn’t need my kind of distraction.”
“Your kind of distraction?”
“Yes, because I’m a woman.”
He laughed. “Because you are abeautifulwoman, and Greg wants you for himself.”
I pointed at him. “That he doesnotwant. He specifically said that last night. Of course, that was after—” I stopped and shoved a chip into my mouth as his eyes went wide.
“You slept with Greg.”
I pursed my lips. Crap! “We most definitely did not sleep. We had sex, quick and dirty, and in the kitchen no less. Then he threw a fit and stomped out of the house.”
I expected Trevor to back his buddy, but he laughed and said, “You got under his skin! That’s awesome. I mean, I knew you were already there.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, it is obvious that Greg is really into you, but he’s scared to get involved with anyone. I’ve known the man for like fifteen years, and he’s never been in a relationship with anyone that lasted more than a week.” Trevor blinked and then started laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. I just remembered something Greg told me years ago. You know, he used to carry your picture around with him.”
“Yeah, when I first met him, we bunked together while we were in a training class, and he used to take your photo out every night and look at it. I completely forgot about that until now.”
“Maybe it wasn’t me.”
“It was you. I have no doubt. Greg told me he let you go so that you would move on and have a great life.”
“Stupid,” I said. “He could have given me a great life.”
“Maybe, or maybe he needed to get to this point in his life before he realized that’s not only what he needs, but wants.”
“I don’t know about that, Trevor. Besides, he’s going to do everything he can to keep me from going on this trip.”
“Yeah, but I think you should go. Jake thinks you should go, and now that Alex has seen you shoot and heard about your day yesterday, I’m pretty sure he will be on our side.”
“So, you’ll back me on this? You won’t side with him?”
“No, I think you can carry your weight.”
“Will I be a distraction to you?”
He shook his head. “No, not me. I might think you are a beautiful, sexy woman, but there is no way I would think more than that. Even if I didn’t have Davina in my life, as far as I’m concerned, you, Maggie Valor, are taken.”
I laughed. “I am far from taken.”
Trevor grinned at me. “You had sex with Greg last night and got him so flustered that he ran away with his tail between his legs. Trust me, girl, once he gets his head out of his ass, he’ll realize that he screwed up and will come crawling back to you on his knees.”
“Yeah, and if he does that, I might just make him stay there for a while.”
Trevor laughed and held up his soda cup. I tapped mine to his. “You are my kind of girl, and if Greg pushes the issue of you not going because he doesn’t want to be responsible for you, I have your back.”