Page 64 of Unexpected Trouble

“Hi, Maggie.”

“What are you doing here?” Trevor asked as he turned and leaned back against the counter, arms crossed.

Alex’s gaze shot toward mine quickly and then to Trevor. “Blaire had some things come up. He asked me to cover for him today.”

I clamped my jaw shut, forcing myself not to react, and that lasted a whole two seconds before I snapped, “What a chicken!”

Trevor laughed. “Ah, man, what happened after I left your house last night?”

“Wait—” Alex put his hand up. “Why were you at her house?”

“That’s a long story,” I told Alex. “And one that has no business in today’s course of events.”

Trevor was frowning, but then he shrugged. “Okay, you’re right. Let’s focus on what you need to get through.”

A few minutes later, the paperwork was done, and we were given a key. Trevor explained that the key was to a training area, not open to the public, and I followed them down a hallway to a dark-gray door. Trevor reached in and turned on a few lights.

“Maggie, why don’t you get your stuff out so I can see what you have. I’m going to have Alex help me bring in our gear. We’ll be back in a few minutes.”

I nodded and watched the door close. I glanced around; there was a small classroom area with four tables and eight chairs. There was a whiteboard on the far wall and a large glass window that opened up to a range area. I set my bags down and went to check it out.

On the far end, targets hung, and there were lines painted on the cement ground at different intervals in different colors. There was a partial wall built on the far side, with a door in the middle, and two large metal barrels randomly set on the range. I assumed they were for concealment fire.

I glanced back at the door and wondered what Trevor and Alex were really talking about out of earshot. Had Greg not come today because of last night? Had Greg told Alex about what happened? I didn’t think so, but whathadhe told him?

I was almost done setting my stuff up when the door opened, and Alex and Trevor returned, both with their arms full of stuff. Okay, so maybe Trevor really had needed Alex’s help to retrieve all the gear. “Wow, you could have asked for help.”

Alex chuckled. “That’s okay. I needed the workout. I’ve missed the gym this week.”

I took a seat while they got things together, and then Trevor and Alex looked over my guns, showed me a few of theirs, and asked me safety questions. It didn’t take us long to load up our magazines, and they gave me a vest to wear and had me load up on ammo. They also told me I was using a different gun and fit me with a thigh holster. Then Alex helped me get an earpiece secured into my ear and showed me how to control volumes with the headphones I would be wearing over them.

“I can hear you on the range; why do I need to wear these?”

“Because when we are on the job, this is how we talk when we are separated. We can be in different rooms or different cars and still stay in touch. This will give you a chance to try it out, start to get used to it.”

It didn’t take long to get used to it or to hearing their voices whispered into my ear. I wondered briefly what Greg’s voice would sound like through the earpiece, but I dismissed that quickly.

We worked on the range for about three hours, and while it was work, it was fun. I learned quite a bit and tried some different firearms. It was obvious that I knew my way around a gun, and even when they got my adrenaline going, I was still consistent with my shooting. Both Alex and Trevor appreciated that, and I could tell they were impressed. Would Greg have been? Who knew—who cared?

After we finished, Trevor and I went to a deli on the way back to the training facility. Alex had begged off, saying he had a meeting he had to attend and that I was in good hands with Trevor.

Trevor and I had just gotten our food and taken a seat when he gave me a long look. “So, you going to tell me what the hell happened last night after I left?”

I stopped, my mouth wide open, my sandwich almost to my mouth. “I’m not sure what you are talking about.”

“Bullshit, Maggie. When I left, Greg was in a decent mood, and you two seemed to be getting along.”

“What makes you think that we aren’t getting along now?” I stuffed my sandwich into my mouth.

“Because Greg isn’t here.”

I shrugged my shoulders, wiped my mouth, and then finished chewing. “I thought Alex said he had something else to do.”

“Yeah, that was a lie, and you know it.”

“Sorry, I can’t help you there,” I told him.

“Maggie, I’m trying to help here. I know, and I’m pretty sure you know, that Greg doesn’t want you to go. He doesn’t think you’ll be safe, although this is going to be one of the safest ops we’ve ever done.”