Page 68 of Royal Surprise

I punched the bitch myself, right in the chin.

Spitting blood, the girl's defiant expression finally changed to fear, like she just found out she was dealing with a motorcycle gang. We ain’t no two-bit riding club full of weekenders. We were the real deal, one-percenters, full of bad men led by the worst of them.

“I made a deal with Junebug. She said she’d pay me if I got that girl to her.”

“When did this happen?”

“Tonight. I was checking out Sky at your request. Your girl was fine, by the way. Then Junebug texted me. Said she had five grand if I would bring Sky to her.”

“Some fucking nurse you are.”

It took all I had not to kill her then and there.

“I lost my license last year. Wasn’t my fault. Might not ever get it back, so I needed the money. Junebug swore she wouldn’t hurt her. Said she only meant to scare her.”

“Is that all you know? Where did you take her?”

“Just across the road.”

“Then why were you at the ER?”

“Junebug said she’d be bringing Eve to the ER soon and to report you to the nurses so you couldn’t see her. I was waiting on Junebug to come and pay up.”

“Boys get rid of her. I don't care what you do with her but leave her for me to finish off. Pagan I need a crew. Memphis, you're coming with me. You can help me take care of your cousin. And if you don't, you can die with her. Someone tell Thorn to follow us with a crew of his own to clean up the mess I’m about to make.”

I knew exactly where Junebug was taking Sky. She knew about the cabin on the property. The one I’d planned to take Sky to. Hell, Junebug and Memphis knew everything. For the first time I realized that wasn’t just a bad idea, it was a deadly idea.

Then, I had a horrendous thought. I was going to be sick, knowing Junebug was one crazy bitch. If she wanted to take Sky, it would be to hurt me for leaving her and kicking her out of the club. Who knew what she would do to my wife? Junebug had always been off her rocker, and that's what had made her the perfect security guard for me. The whore slept with her gun. She’d do anything to protect me and relished the cruelty she inflicted on others the most.

Way out in the woods, we’d need a medic if she hurt Sky.

What if it was too late?

“Penelope. You're coming with us. You better gather supplies.”

Chapter 25


We rode our motorcycles to the edge of the woods. I had the nurse with me. We had to make the rest of the journey on foot. Levi had a machete cutting the brush down in front of us as we climbed the steep hill. My other brothers held flashlights. I didn’t dodge the foliage, the thorns, rather I let them strike me on the way up. I wanted to suffer. After all, this was all my fault. I could’ve taken Sky to the cabin for a wonderful week of marital bliss like we’d planned. As it was, I didn’t know if she’d be alive once we made it to her.

It was well over an hour before we even spotted the cabin. We’d been practically running uphill. And Junebug had a couple hours on us. Candles in the windows confirmed our fears. She had Eve way out here.

Taking off, I busted down the door before the others even made it. What I found inside was no surprise but appalled me all the same. Sky laid on the floor bleeding. Not just bleeding, the scene was much more horrific. She’d been cut up so much that she was bathed in blood. I could only imagine what Junebug put her through to get her to this point. The thought disgusted me.

And lifeless, Sky was out cold or worse. I stood paralyzed by that fact before Junebug, who had a blood-stained knife in one hand, pointed her pistol at Sky. She dared me to move.

“Did you shoot her?”

Sky looked so dreadful. I couldn’t tell.

“No. But I’m gonna. I was only waiting for you.”

I sank to my knees.

“What? Why?” I cried as I wished to be in Sky’s place.

I couldn't help but burst into hot tears. Earlier, I thought she'd left me. But this was much worse. She didn’t deserve what had been done to her. And as much as Junebug was to blame, guilt consumed me.