Page 67 of Royal Surprise

I’d been a goddamn idiot.

I texted her and there was no reply. I called her and there was no answer. Nothing. I had nothing from her.

“Hold on,” Leo said. “Maybe she's still on my Find my Friends.”

Opening my hands, I didn’t know what she was on about.

“Really? It’s GPS tracking basically. Tracks someone’s phone. You should look it up with all you have going on here.”

“You’ve been tracking Sky?”

“She allowed it. I have Sky from back when she was working at Shakey's.”

Looking over her shoulder, I saw Leo had a long list of girls on her app.

“We need to know where each other is. We go home with some strange man. We may never come back. Yes, she's here. Looks like she's at Pagan’s house. Or her house now.”

Leo and I went back over to check. But one step inside, and we discovered Sky’s phone laying on the end table. It’d been left behind.

“That settles it,” Leo said. “Penelope took her.”

Still, I searched the house. Drawers were open like she’d been looking for something. I explained as much to Leo.

“Did she pack clothes? Maybe she thought she was going to the ER. That’s what pregnant women do when they go, right? At least on TV. Maybe there’s something wrong with her baby. Because that girl wouldn't go anywhere without her phone.”

Walking back to the clubhouse, I felt helpless. Sky wasn’t here at Royal Road. I needed to be out looking for her. But I had to question Memphis next.

With my fist closed tight, I struck her. I hadn’t really wanted to because the bitch probably liked it. The blonde slumped to the floor before me. She clutched my legs.

Looking up at me, she swore, “I've been on stage all night after your girl about knocked one of my teeth out. I got right back to work like the loyal soldier I am.”

She had a crowd of witnesses, but it didn't mean she hadn’t been behind Sky’s disappearance. Before I could question her further, my phone buzzed.

I got a text from Pagan. “We found her.”


“No, the nurse.”

About fifteen minutes later my boys rolled in with Penelope.

I was glad Memphis was still here, I didn't like to hit a woman. And I probably would’ve killed her. Memphis roughed her up at my request. My boys held her between them.

“You need to let me know where to find my Ol’ Lady.”

“I don't know where she took her.”



“Bitch, you better tell me everything.”

“What are you going to do to me?”

Did she really not know?

“Sweetheart, I don't know who you think you're dealing with. My boys here will dismember you, and you will be buried in the pig shit out in Franklin.”