Page 35 of Royal Surprise

Eve fixed her makeup. She was wearing more of it than usual. Also, for the first time, I realized her outfit was a bit more revealing too.

She made a face. “Honestly, and no offense, Kingpin’s not my type.”

“So, nothing’s ever happened between you two?” I was fishing.

“Oh Sky. Heavens to Betsy. That biker, your husband, believe it or not, because I hardly do, has been real respectful of me. Professional. Sure, there was a time or two in the beginning I had to remind him I wasn’t one of his whores. That biker scared me, but he’s grown as much as I have. As in, I’ve overcome my stage fright, for the most part.”

“You still didn’t answer me.”

“Something so preposterous doesn’t deserve to be entertained. You know the bikers here just like to joke, right? They like to make their Prez out to be the big man. Because well, you know him. He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. They want to say that he's screwing everyone with two legs. But everybody knows Kingpin hasn't laid eyes on another woman since you've been around. Now they want to say he’s in love with me because of what he did. Fiddlesticks. Nothing could be further from the truth. But I'll tell you what, I'm glad he did it now.”

“What are you talking about? Who did what?”

I’d not missed the fact she didn’t outright answer my question and say nothing happened between them.

“All I’m saying is the rumors ain’t true. And I'm glad Kingpin beat the shit out of Hallow.”

“Kingpin did that to him? When?”

“Yes, last month. I thought that was what you were in here going on about. Cheese and crackers, I messed up. Did you not already know Kingpin ruined that bastard’s face?”

“No, no, I knew,” I lied.

Damn, it was a month ago, and Hallow’s face still looked awful.

“Lordalmighty. I didn’t need Kingpin mad at me for spilling the beans. Gosh darn it, I’m late. I’m supposed to go back on for an encore. I’ve got to run.”

Eve left.

I rushed to a stall and hugged the commode. I threw up.

With his arm around me, Kingpin watched Eve perform her last song alone, as in solo. Her band still played, but Kingpin wasn’t joining her on stage. Dimple played piano as well. The beautiful blonde belted out a bluesy, sad cover of Nora Jones’ “Come Away With Me” that quieted the whole place.

The biker Prez, my husband wore a proud smile as his eyes never left her. He never smiled at me like that. Sometimes he mouthed the words, reminding me how they’d practiced this together. Eve’s eyes were locked on to him as well as she sang from her heart.

Hearing a loud thud, I caught Hallow leaving the club, slamming the door behind him.

Everyone noticed.

Eve jumped at the sound.

Kingpin lurched forward, but quickly settled as she resumed her song.

Understanding how Hallow felt, I ducked out of Kingpin’s hold.

“I’ll be in your office. We need to talk,” I explained.

Kingpin followed me, calling after me, but I’d started crying. I didn’t want anyone else to see me.

Getting to his office, I punched in the code.

Safe inside, I wiped my eyes and noticed a big box sat on his desk, wrapped like a present.

“The fuck is this?” I said aloud.

Opening it, I saw the blood and fainted.

Chapter 14