Page 36 of Royal Surprise


I’d been enjoying the last of the show from off the stage, one arm around my Ol’ Lady, one drinking whiskey. For no reason at all, Sky got pissed and ran to my office.

What the fuck?

People talked about pregnant women and their hormones, but I never believed it ‘till now. Sky was hot then cold. Girl was giving me whiplash lately. After our rocky start, we’d had a good month.

I called after her as she practically ran through the club. Stepping into my office right after her, I saw her face down on the floor.


She’d fainted. What the fuck was I supposed to do? She’s pregnant. Did she hurt the baby by falling? Why hadn’t I thought to ask the doctor about this?

Crouching down, I picked up her limp body in a panic. I slapped at her face. Letting go of her, letting her slump back to the floor, I grabbed my abandoned glass and splashed a little whiskey on her. Didn’t work. Then I had an idea. She hated the smell of weed lately. Reaching into my cut, I pulled a joint from my pocket and held it under her nose.

Sky came to.

Proud of myself, I smirked. Sitting on the floor, I held her against me.

“Why is there a fetus on your desk?” She said after she’d recovered.

“Oh, that. It was left on our front porch this morning. By whom we don’t know. It’s a threat. I couldn’t leave and take you to the cabin, sorry. I didn’t mention it because of all the blood.” I tried to get it all out at once before she asked a million questions like she always did. I wasn’t used to answering to anyone. “What did you want to talk about?”

She moved to get up.

I helped her to her feet.

Still unsteady, Sky sat down in the chair.

“I heard what you did to Hallow.”

“I beat the tarnation out of him.”

It hadn’t been a secret.

“What am I supposed to think? You heard he raped your favorite singer and you beat him up?”

Full of anger, Sky seemed completely recovered from her fall.

Then I understood her words.

“Raped her? Eve?” My voice boomed.

“Yeah. You didn’t know?”

“No.” I had twenty questions, but Sky didn’t look like she’d answer them.

“You beat him up last month for what, her crying?”

“Sky, it’s not like that. He’s part of my crew, and I’ll put him in his place when I see fit.”

Seemed like I’d be doing it again real soon.

“What about me? Do you not care about me? And how I feel being humiliated every time you take up for her?”

“Of course, I care about you. Why do you think I postponed our trip to the cabin?”

“So, you could play rock star beside Eve.”