Page 32 of Royal Surprise

“No, you don’t turn them in. I don't think you can have weapons in the hospital, period.”

Kingpin laughed. “Sky you act like I’ve not been out in public before. Love, you’ve been cooped up in here. We’ve not really left Royal Road, you and I. Maybe we need to start.”

Lifting my shoulders, I gave up. “Come on.”

However, parked at the doctor's office, I told Kingpin to wait inside the car.

“You don't want me to come inside with you? I promise, no one’s going to be patting me down.”

“There's nothing really special going on today. I mean we might not even hear a heartbeat. It might be too early. If we do, it’ll be an artificial sound. We won’t really hear an actual heartbeat until later.”

“You young people and your science.”

“It’s not because I’m young. I majored in biology.” I got a little testy.

“So, you should know everything. We don’t need a doctor,” he joked. “Anyway, if we hear something, we know it’s all good, right? That’s what it means. I know we'll see the baby, even if it’s a peanut. I want to see. I'm going in.”

Kingpin stepped out of the car.



I guess the truth was I didn't want Kingpin to go in case I was more pregnant than I thought. What if there was a chance, a much bigger chance, that this baby was Ralph’s from Shakey’s?


If I were even more pregnant than I thought, then what about that guy in California? My last shebang there. What was his name? Steven, the aspiring actor.


We met with the nurse.

“Are you dad?”

“Yes. The baby’s dad. Not hers.” Kingpin winked at the nurse. “I’m the husband.”

“I know who you are, Kingpin?”

The nurse evidently knew him.

He also knew her. “How’s Big Mike?”

“He’s still down in his back and now they’ve got him on oxygen. That’s helping. Thanks for canceling his club dues and for everything else.”

“Sky, this is Ginny, Big Mike’s daughter. I’m not sure you’ve met Big Mike. He owns the furniture store in Franklin. He’s been with the club since before we were in Nashville.”

After asking some questions, Ginny concluded that I was about eight to ten weeks pregnant. That made the timing just about perfect. I had had sex with Kingpin a little over eight weeks ago. The only trouble was, I had sex with Ralph after that, the night Kingpin rescued me from Shakey’s. Right before he’d gotten there. He hadn’t known. With what he’d done to me that night, I hadn’t had the heart to tell him.

“Your heartrate is a bit high,” the nurse remarked.

I tried to calm down. What he didn't know wouldn't kill him. Kingpin told me in the last month over and over, it didn't matter whose baby this was, so I couldn't let myself worry about it anymore.

“We’ll know more once we have a look,” the nurse said, squirting the goo on my belly.

Kingpin gripped my hand, rubbing the top of it with his thumb as he often did. We watched the ultrasound. And we heard the whoosh-whoosh, the baby's heartbeat if you will. Tears came to my eyes. I hadn’t expected it. I’d not let myself get too attached.

I couldn't believe I was going to be a mother. I vowed then and there to be a much better mother than mine ever was to me. To her, I was nothing but a mistake. Once she married my stepfather, I lost her. Even if this baby was Ralphs, I would never let it be a mistake.