Page 33 of Royal Surprise

Therefore, when Ginny left the room the next words out of Kingpin’s mouth stunned me.

Chapter 13


“I guess the baby is mine.”

More than his words, it was his face glowing with pride when he said it.

I started worrying again.

He gave me a kiss on my forehead before he bent down and kissed my tummy where I wasn't even showing yet.

His lips still pressed to my navel, he said, “We’re having a baby.” Like it was just now real to him.

That night, Kingpin was so happy. He declared we were going to go to the cabin next week. It was like my reward for the baby actually being his even though maybe it wasn’t his. I should’ve been elated, but that was all I could think. That now Kingpin felt my baby was truly his, he was willing to take time away from being President to just be with me.

Never mind the fact that I would take him any way I could get him. Busy President or not, I didn’t care.

We packed for our trip.

“You don't need to take much.”

“According to you, we're going to be out in the middle of nowhere alone for a week. We're gonna need groceries., toiletries, clothes.”

Kingpin snapped his fingers.

“Yes. That's it. You don't need many clothes. Everything else, make a list. Goliath will pack it. We need anything else? Somebody will bring it to us.”

“Goliath’s coming?”

“Yes. I can't be anywhere for a week without backup.”

“Oh, I thought we were going to be alone. I should’ve known better.”

“Sky, we've been pretty isolated the last month or two. I haven't really left Royal Road a whole lot, but I don't go anywhere without Goliath. Hell. I didn't really hang around Royal Road by myself until you came along. I always had Memphis and Junebug with me until you.”

“Have you talked to either of them?”

I'd heard they were still mad. I really couldn't blame them. They'd been by Kingpin’s side for twenty years.

“Yes, I've talked to Memphis. When I needed to.”

“Okay. And?”

“And what?”

“What did you all talk about?”

“Club business is all.”

Kingpin rubbed his forehead. He didn't like this conversation.

“I guess it'll still be a great time, even if Goliath is with us.” I changed the subject back to us.

“Well, it's not like I'm gonna let him fuck you or something. He'll sleep outside. He loves the wilderness. He’ll pitch a tent. He's nothing but security. A bodyguard. We're not even going to invite him in for the pancakes you’ll be making me.”

“I never make pancakes. I always make waffles.”