Page 28 of Purity

“Is that what you’ve meant this whole time whenever you’ve called me Daddy?”

Her cheeks grow pink. Fuck, I’m embarrassing her, but I need to find out. I’ll go crazy if I don’t.

“Well, yeah,” she says, “but I was just trying to be funny.”

I take a deep breath to calm myself. “It is funny.” No, it’s not. “I just had no clue you were making a sexual joke.”

Her brow furrows. “Sometimes it’s like you think I’m a little kid. I have a lot of gaps in my knowledge because of the way I was raised, but I’m not stupid.”

“Of course you’re not stupid, and I definitely don’t think you’re a little kid.” My gaze drifts to her chest as I reach out and touch her shoulder. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you. I was just surprised. And for the record, I don’t like being called Daddy—” I smile faintly, “—by anyone except you.”

Her gaze snaps to my face, and her eyes grow wide. “Are you being serious?”

I laugh softly. “I am.”

“Why only by me?”

“I don’t know. It makes me feel…some things.”

She takes a step in my direction. “What kind of things?”

Fuck, this is dangerous. I need to be certain this is the right thing before I start telling her what I’ve really been thinking all these years. “I don’t want to keep you out here too long. Mari will kill me if she knows I’ve stolen you away from everyone.”

Her face falls. She stares at me for a moment before nodding. “And I don’t want Travis to think I’m ditching him. I’ve actually had a lot of fun with him tonight.”

My spine goes rigid. “Livvy, he’s a fucking idiot.”

She raises her brows. “Yeah, you said that already. My sister used to call me an idiot when she was mad. When she was in elementary school.”

I smile sheepishly. “I know I acted like a child earlier, but… You’re way too good for him. I’ve never liked him all that much. I mean, he’s fine. I tolerate him, but he’s not for you.”

“That’s for me to decide.”

I grit my teeth. “He was trying to piss me off earlier. He always does that kind of shit, especially when we go out drinking. You can’t stand people like that. Why would you have any interest in him?”

“He’s non-threatening.” Her voice is notably softer. “I’m nervous about all this. I’m nervous to get drunk. I’m nervous to kiss. It helps to hang out with someone I don’t have a crazy crush on, because it lowers the pressure. I don’t feel like I have to be a really good kisser.”

I look away from her, not wanting her to see how much I hate this. How much the idea of her kissing another guy makes me want to throw her over my shoulder and take her away from here. “I just wish…”


“I wish you would take my advice.”

“What advice?”

“If you’re really going to push through with this whole contract thing, wait until you find a guy you could actually be with long term. Maybe not for the kissing, but for losing your virginity. I know you well, and I think you’ll be happier if you lose your virginity to someone you can at least see yourself being in a relationship with.”

“I’m not ruling that out.”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“Maybe I could be in a relationship with Travis. It doesn’t feel like it now, but I’m open to it. He and I had a nice heart-to-heart in the car.”

“Livvy, he’s not religious. Not like you. He hasn’t mentioned God or church once in the years that I’ve known him.”

“I know he’s not, but my faith has evolved. I don’t need to be with a Christian anymore.”

An otherworldly energy settles over me, and my ears start to ring. “What?” My voice is a croak.