Page 81 of Wild and Bright

God, is possible to die of a broken heart?

As I walk in their direction, a guilty expression flashes in Lauren’s eyes. I look away, unable to stand the sight of her. “What the fuck are you doing?” I ask Hunter

“Having a drink with my girl.” Hunter’s voice is both light and shrill, as if he’s trying to pull off levity but can’t muster it. “How the fuck did you find us?”

“I have your phone location.”

He narrows his eyes. “I turned it off.”

I hold his stare, though my cheeks warm. She’s going to find out. She’s going to know that I’ve been tracking her location behind her back. Though I suppose it doesn’t matter.

It’s over between us.

“Cam, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you where we went.” I must be feeling nostalgic already, because her sweet voice floats through me, warming my insides even when I can’t stand the sight of her.

“Hunter made me promise.” She sets her soft hand on my arm, and I keep my gaze on Hunter, still unable to look at her. “He said he’d have only one drink, and then we could leave…”

I’m about to snap. About to tell her to shut her fucking mouth, about to ask her what kind of person takes a recovering alcoholic out for a drink when Hunter steps forward.

“Stop talking about me like I’m not even here, like I’m your fucking kid. I’m so sick of this shit.”

My eyes pop open, and I pin Hunter with a hard stare. “Then maybe you should stop acting like a fucking kid.”

A cynical smile spreads over his mouth. “Don’t act like you don’t like it. You know you like that I’m a fucking mess—that I have no life skills—because it means you get to take care of me. You get to keep tabs on me and tell me what to do. You like having me at your mercy.” He nods in Lauren’s direction. “Just like you like having her at your mercy.”

I force myself to look at her, and her big green eyes are pleading. She’s protecting Hunter, and the coldness that runs through my veins sends a shiver down my spine.

“Go get in the car, Hunter.” My eyes are fixed on Lauren.

“Don’t fucking tell me what to do.”

“Go now.” My voice drops to a low rumble. “I need to talk to Lauren.”

Hunter must catch the threat in my voice. He looks like he’s about to leave, but then he hesitates. “Don’t blame her.” For the first time all night, he sounds like the real Hunter. “She only came out because I made her.”


His face falls. “Fine, I’ll go.” He lifts a plastic cup from the bar top. “I’m taking this with me for the drive.”

“Enjoy it. It will be your last. You’re calling Dave the second we get back to the hotel. And you’ll be sleeping in my hotel room tonight.”

Hunter sighs heavily as he walks away, and I take a step closer to Lauren, staring down at her in cold silence. “This is over.”

She jerks back as if I hit her. As those long, beaded earrings flutter like frightened birds around her jawline, the faintest pang of regret punctures my cold rage. But I can’t let it soften me.

“I’m taking you to the airport now. When you get back to San Diego, I want you to start packing immediately. I’ll be back tomorrow evening, and I want you out by then. Do you understand?”

Her expression is blank, as if in she’s in shock, but then her eyes start gathering moisture. When my first instinct is to reach out and pull her against my chest, all the air leaves my lungs in an instant.

This is what it feels like to be given what you’ve always wanted, and lose it.

To lose what you’ve always loved.

But I can’t think about that now. I can’t let anything steer me from my purpose.

I look down at her, about to tell her she won’t be able to sway my decision, when she startles me.

“Yes, I understand.” Her face is a placid mask. “Let’s go.”