Page 14 of Queen Rose

When I finally make it down the hall, sure enough, everyone is waiting for me outside the English classroom, like we do every morning. For a few lovely moments, my world tips back onto its axis.

But then I register their worried faces and the rigid set of their bodies, and I’m positive they’ve gotten an earful of all the same shit I have.

“Right. So, I’m having a day already. Can you shield me from these nasty fuckers who think that photo on Instagram meant anything or is any of their business?”

Xander’s jaw twitches and he barks, “Who?”

I press my lips together. “Stand down, Cujo. Just a bunch of random people who can’t keep their mouths shut. It’s just so fucking stupid. I get it. I’m the queen. Blah, blah, blah. I’m just so”—I press my fingers to my temples—“fucking sick of people thinking it matters what I’m wearing, what I’m driving, what I’m doing, and now who I’m seeing. They act like they’re better than me. Why? Because I kissed a guy from another school? Is that really social suicide?”

“It shouldn’t be.” Lyla shakes her head, exasperated. “They’re jealous. Nate is hot as fuck.”

Beau rears back, giving her a look of faux-fury, and she laughs, smirking.

“Beau, you know I love you, but it’s not like you don’t have two eyes.” Lyla pats his chest before turning back to me. “Aria, if you don’t think every single one of those guys doesn’t want to be with you and every one of those bitches doesn’t wish she were in your place, you’re dead wrong. Dead. Fucking. Wrong.”

Scarlett groans and throws an arm around me as the warning bell rings for class, and we file inside. “Well, you’ve definitely got everyone’s attention. Maybe you should respond somehow.”

“I don’t even know. It got out of hand really fast.” I suck in a stuttering breath and wet my lips as I take my usual seat at the back of the class. I wish Nate were here right now to help me deal with this. But if he were, I wouldn’t be having this problem in the first place. I sigh heavily, pulling out my notebook and a pen.

Max slides in next to me. “Don’t worry, Your Highness. We’ve got your back.” He shoots me a little wink.

Across the aisle, Micah crosses his arms over his chest, eyeing me. “Just say the word. We’re not going to let anyone mess with you.”

“People are asshats.” Beau tips his head in my direction. “They’re making this into a huge deal when it’s not. But I’m sorry you have to go through this.” He puts an arm around Lyla. “Been there, fucking done that. It sucks.”

Lyla turns in her seat, her eyes shining. “Try to ignore it. It’ll blow over.”

Great, I’m making my friend relive her own trauma at the hands of the fucking jerks around here. “Yeah, I’m seeing how nicely it’s blowing over already,” I mumble, shaking my head. Max puts an arm across my shoulders, and I lean into him, grateful for the support.

Fortunately, with my friends around me, no one says another damn word. When class finally ends, my blood pressure is back to normal, and I can breathe again. For now.