Right out of the gate Monday morning, I know this day is going to suck hard. Jack trails me from my first period class all the way to my locker. I don’t know if he thinks he’s intimidating me or what, but he’s not. Instead of opening my locker, I lean one shoulder against it, crossing my arms over my chest, coolly appraising him. “Do you need something?”
It’s then that I notice the swelling and slightly purplish-blue tint to his cheek. Interesting. Apparently, I’m not the only one who thinks Jack is deserving of a good ass-kicking.
He rolls his eyes. “So, you couldn’t even do your own dirty work? You had to send people to rough me up and threaten me? Couldn’t handle your shit like a man? Or maybe it’s just that your hands are way too full handling that fine-ass filly you’re trying to break.”
My brow furrows. “I don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about.”
“Xander. Micah. Beau. Griff. And even fucking funny-man Max. Showed up and laid into me about leaving Aria alone. Are you telling me you had nothing to do with that?”
It’s the truth, actually. I didn’t know. Aria and I were… kinda busy that night. My brow furrows, trying to remember. They must have taken off right after we went upstairs because I don’t recall any cars being missing later when I left. Either way, though, I’m secretly glad if her friends rallied and stood up for her like that. “Whatever, man. If they did something, they made that decision without me.” I pause as he sneers, his beady little eyes narrowed on me. “You can assume I was behind it all you want. I don’t give a fuck. But for what it’s worth, I wish I’d been there, too. You were a real dick the other night, sending that photo to Farrah.”
“Whatever. She asked me for dirt on you and Aria. And I’ll agree to just about anything when a girl has her mouth all over my dick.” He shrugs, his lips twitching. “That girl sucks like a goddamn champ.”
I push off the locker, standing at my full height, and hold my arms out from my sides. “Good for you. Especially if you can keep Farrah’s annoying mouth busy. But cut the shit with Aria. She doesn’t deserve it.”
“Like hell she doesn’t, man. From what Farrah says, shit’s crazy at Rosehaven, and Aria needs to be taken down a few pegs. Considering I know it was her who was responsible for getting me kicked out of Rosehaven, I’m happy to help Farrah. Fuck, I’ll cheer her on. Aria’s nothing but a royal bitch.” His tongue darts out to wet his lips, but he doesn’t fool me. He’d flip so fast if he thought she were interested in him. It’s almost laughable how transparent he is.
“You say that, but I don’t buy it. You wish Aria wanted anything to do with you. But she won’t. Ever. You know why? Because you’re a piece of shit. She fuckin’ hates you for what you did to her friends. Like fifth-circle-of-hell kind of anger and hate. And then you side with Farrah? You’d better hope all you ever see is the wrath of her friends. Because if she really chooses to come after you, it’s all over. And I won’t stop her. In fact, I’d be happy to help her.”
“Whatever. Your girlfriend’s a cunt.”
I huff out a laugh, staring at him for a count of two before I grab him by the shirt with both hands and ram him into the bank of lockers. His shoulders hit hard, and the back of his head bounces against it, which gives me a certain sick satisfaction.
And yet, the idiot cackles like a maniac. “Hey, I get it, I really do. I heard she likes it when you fuck that sweet pussy hard.” He tilts his head and hisses low. “That she screams for you. And I get it, man. I get it, I really do. You’re looking for a way to fund your college career… you know, since you screwed yourself out of the scholarship. You fuck her right, and she’ll have no problem being your sugar mama with all of her daddy’s money.”
“Shut the fuck up, Jack. If I hear one more nasty thing out of your mouth, I swear I’ll—” I pull him forward a few inches before slamming him into the locker again.
Jack gives me a twisted grin, eyeing something over my shoulder.
“Nate. Back up. Now.” The voice is stern, not leaving any room for argument.
I grit my teeth, releasing the smiling bastard with one final shove into the locker before I turn around.
Coach Kramer’s gaze bounces between the two of us. “Jack”—he points down the hall—“get to class.”
“Yes sir.” He takes off, but not before the bastard winks at me from behind Coach’s back, a twisted grin sliding over his cocky face.
Internally, I want to scream, growl, and punch something. Instead, I lower my eyes to the ground before grinding out, “Coach—”
“You wanna explain what the hell that was?”
I heave out a sigh and meet his gaze. “That was a jerk who doesn’t know when to stop talking.”
Coach Kramer’s lips pinch together hard as he glowers at me. “Dammit, Nate. You know I like you. And you know I hate that your world got turned upside down and is all fucked to hell. But don’t make things worse for yourself.”
Gritting my teeth, I nod.
“You have nothing else to say?”
I stare at him for what feels like a long time, his dark eyes boring into mine, looking for answers, before I finally growl, “Jack called my girl a cunt. I’m not going to let that slide.”
Under his breath, Coach mutters, “Ah, fuck.” He clears his throat. “Okay. I hear you. Just watch yourself, got it?” He claps his hand on my shoulder before he shakes his head and walks away.
The rest of the day doesn’t get much better. I guess Jack flapped his lips about Coach laying into me earlier, so there’s a bunch of whispered talk and rumors floating around—some true, some complete bullshit.
And when I think I can’t handle another thing, Mariah accosts me on the way out of the building. “Hey, Nate. Regretting your decision yet?” She presses her lip-gloss-slicked lips together, as if she’s trying not to laugh.