“I was going to ask you the same question, baby girl.” I pass her, and she leans up for a kiss, but I resist and instead plant one on her cheek. I hide a smirk at the disappointment as I step through the apartment and head straight to her sofa and take a seat. She’s got some talking to do.
“I’ve been dealing with a problem… I had to sort it out before I could see you again. I haven’t really had time to in-between it all.” She wraps her arms around herself as she watches me study her from the sofa. “I’ll talk to you about it when it’s time.”
Now that I’m here and staring at her, I want to pretend that the last week didn’t happen. I want to forget that she’s put me on a shelf for a week with no real explanation. “Okay. I was beginning to think you had moved on.” I hate the fact that this thing that we are doing has no real direction and she can do so anytime. However, what am I going to say? Will she be exclusive with someone old enough to be her father?
She crosses the room to sit on the sofa with me, sitting as close as she can without actually crawling in my lap. “I didn’t see you because I didn’t want to. I have missed seeing you. I just had to sort that problem out and give that problem my full attention because it deserved it.” She leans forward, making me lean back on the sofa as she crawls over me. I try so hard to keep my composure, but it breaks when she straddles me. “Can we skip the part where we’re awkward from not seeing each other and go straight to the making up?”
Now, there’s an idea. “Okay.” My hands settle on her hips as she squirms above me in excitement. “I suppose I can be accommodating with that.” I cup her between her legs and press the heel of my hand against her, doing nothing other than just rubbing her in slow leisurely circles. Knowing how much she loves being touched right there on that little spot has me laying my head back and watching the show. It doesn’t take long for her hips to grind against my hand; a look of pure torment on her face from the simple touch is just enough to get her going and keep her there but not quite enough to tip her over the edge. I’m playing with her and she knows it.
“That’s teasing.” Her hands knot in my shirt as she tries so hard to come but doesn’t. “Finish it.”
“You’ll get there; just relax.” I chuckle when she shoots me a death glare, earning me an even more furious look.
“This isn’t funny.”
“Oh, baby girl. It is and you know it.” The longer she remains tittering on the edge of orgasm, the more desperate she becomes. Her body trembles above me as she tries to fall over the edge, her eyes tightly squeezed shut.
I remove my hand and she protests until I pull her down to press against my erection through my slacks. Her tensed muscles from her building orgasm go limp as she suddenly becomes aware of my arousal for her and tries to get as close to it as she can. It only takes a few scrapes of her hips on mine to send her over the edge. Her whole frame shakes with the force of it as she collapses down on top of me. She lays there panting, nuzzling into my neck and making no sign of moving.
“Feel better?” Tracing my hand up and down her back draws a happy sigh out of her.
“Yeah, I really needed that.”
I could kind of tell that. “And do I get to know what’s got you so high-strung?”
She sighs again, but it’s sad and she looks concerned when she raises her eyes to look at me. “It’s not my secret to tell. You’ll will find out but not yet. I’m sorry.”
It has to have something to do with Chuck. But why can’t I know?
She turns the television on for us as background noise and goes to make us drinks. I look at what she picks as a surprise. We haven’t watched this before. “You’re into drag queens?”
“I just thought it would be something different.” She looks at me over the counter from the kitchen. “Why? Do you have anything against guys being gay?”
Gay? Of course not. “Why would I have anything against a man wanting to be with a man? That’s just one less man I have to worry about hitting on you.” She laughs, and it’s the most relaxed she’s looked since I arrived. “Okay, that’s a good answer to me.”