Page 12 of Santa Daddy

Chapter Twelve - Charles

Something is wrong. I haven’t seen her; she’s evaded every attempt to, and ghosted all my calls and messages. Have I done something wrong? She could have very easily realized she doesn’t see a future with me and just simply not want to tell me to my face. What if she has decided she wants to see Chuck? How on earth am I meant to be around them?

My worry only deepens when Chuck avoids my calls throughout the week as well. I dread leaving the office and going back to the apartment. I don’t want to be surrounded with memories of her throughout the apartment.

I scroll through my phone, looking for someone who can take my mind off this. When I see her name, I know there’s no one that could do it better.

I don’t expect her to pick up straightaway, but it’s a relief when she does. “Hey, shall I call over?”

“Oh, how long till you’re there? I’m not even home at the moment, Charles.” Felicity’s voice is accompanied by the background sounds of a busy environment.

“Where are you?” The woman doesn’t work.

“I’m Christmas shopping. That's creeping up soon, don’t you know!”

I hadn’t even thought about Christmas. “To be honest, I kind of forgot that was coming up.” Even with the Christmas music everywhere.

“Oh God, you really have turned into a sad old bachelor.” Felicity definitely doesn’t hold back.

“I’ll be at your house in about thirty minutes. Is that long enough for you to drag your bags home?” The taxi pulls away from the curb when I give him the all clear to go.

“Oh, I haven’t actually bought that much.” Even with the noise in the background, I can hear her heels on the floor.

“Oh, I wasn’t talking about the shopping.” I smirk as her growl hits the mic of the phone.

“I never doubt divorcing you, Charlie.” I hear the smile at the end.

“Yeah, but you like having me as friend.” I feel the conversation moving over to what actually needs to be spoken about. “I need to talk to you abo—”

My phone beeps in my ear, signaling another call. It’s Lillian. Finally. “Hold on. I’ll call you back.”

Cutting Felicity off, I take a breath before I answer Lillian; I don’t want her to hear the relief in my voice.

“Hey, baby girl, where have you been? I called and texted you. Thought I had done something wrong.”

“I’m sorry, I’ve… umm… been busy with something.” She goes quiet for a moment and doesn’t sound herself when she speaks. “When do you finish work? Can I see you tonight?”

I think about telling her that I’m on my way to see Felicity, but I worry she will get the wrong idea. “I can come over now?” I wait for another excuse.

“Yeah, okay, yeah. Come over now. I’ll see you soon.” She’s way too quick to hang up. Why does she sound like that still but want to see me?

“Mate, can you turn around and head back to Fitzgerald's Place, please?”

“Yes, sir.”

I’m not a texter, and I do try to avoid it, which is why I’ve managed to send her only two messages in the week that she has been MIA. I’m only here for a few more days before I have to fly back to Dubai until Christmas Eve. I’m only flying back because a family Christmas is the only way to stay grounded when you’re flying here, there, and everywhere.

7:21 p.m. Charles: I feel as though I should be worried.

7:22 p.m. Lillian: No, nothing to be worried about. I’ll see you when you get here.

Well, that doesn’t clear things up very much…

My knee bounces the entire drive to the apartment complex. Handing the driver his fare, he salutes me as I get out the car. “Good luck.” He sends me a knowing look as he pulls away. I don’t know what he knows that I don’t. Is this the “I don’t think we should see each other anymore talk”? This feels like a reminder of why I don’t get attached to women anymore. I feel too old for this shit. I don’t want the back and forth that comes with seeing a woman regularly. How did I think I could cope with it with Lillian? How did I forget that it’s great when it’s going good and awful when things start to go south?

The walk to her apartment door feels a million miles from the road and the knock on the door sends a jumble of nerves throughout my body as I realize she’s on the other side of the door. I really am too old for this shit.

“Hey.” She opens the door with the same grin she usually greets me with. I look for anything out of place in her persona, and she looks genuinely excited to see me but frowns when she sees me hesitate. “What’s wrong?”