Page 33 of Chevelle

“That’s because I was hauling ass with you, figured you’d appreciate the speed and adrenaline.”

She nods and licks her lips. She misses some salsa just under her bottom lip, and I reach forward. Swiping my finger to catch the salsa, I bring it to my mouth and her eyes flair.

“Salsa,” I rasp.

She grabs the finger I just had between my lips and brings it to her mouth, sucking it. Her tongue swipes the tip, and the stroke instantly has my imagination running wild, wanting my cock to be in its place. A growl escapes as my groin tightens, wanting to yank her across the table at the fucking taco shack. She’s lucky she’s not mine, or I’d take her out back and have her sucking my cock off and fucking her across my bike in a heartbeat.

“Maybe I didn’t want to share,” she taunts after releasing my hand.

“We need to go.” I manage to choke out, staring her down.

“But I’m not done.”

“I have church to get to and any more time watching that mouth, I’m gonna be fucking it.”

Her cheeks heat as her breaths increase in speed. Her chest moves with her heavy breathing and her lids lower, irises dilating at my proclamation. She wants me to fuck her. She wants me to take her decision away so when she fights me on it, she can pretend she doesn’t want it as badly as I do.

“You’re pretty damn bossy, biker.”

“And you’re sexy as fuck. You want to suck my cock or head to the clubhouse? This is the only time I’m going to ask before I make the decision for you.” It’s enough of a threat to piss her off. She doesn’t like to be bossed, and I love having control. We’re like fire and fire, both burning hot and demanding, both vying for full control.

She stands with a huff. “I’ll get a to go bag.” She stomps off to the counter, and I watch her swing her plump ass with each step. The young cabana looking guy smiles, and turns on the charm, thinking he can flirt with her, probably planning to ask for her number. I should knock his damn teeth out looking at my woman like that.

Gritting my teeth, I chug the remaining beer to cool off my temper. I don’t need to get arrested at the damn taco joint for a kid merely getting through puberty. I’d really appear like a damn jackoff to Chevelle then. Witnessing her smile for him has me wanting to lock her in my room back at the compound. None of my brothers would give two shits if I kept her as mine. Fuck, she’d be pissed if I did. She’d probably slit my throat the first chance she got. Stubborn female.

“A little friendly, huh? You like ‘em young?” I grumble once she comes back and begins loading the rest of our food into a paper bag to take with us. I ordered like twenty tacos, so I’d have some for dinner too. Chevelle wasn’t screwing around when she said she doesn’t cook.

She glowers my way. “I like them when they aren’t assholes, not that it’s any of your business.”

“Too bad.” I get to my feet and don’t tip, cause fuck that guy getting my money.

“Hmm?” Chevelle hums with a frown. She’s a badass, but she’s way too curious. It’s her downfall and has been the way to get her to let her wall down with me.

“’Cause I’m an asshole,” I shrug and strut toward the door, shooting a glare at the guy behind the counter. He stares at Chevy for a moment, but it’s quickly broken when he catches my look. His eyes suddenly find the counter in front of him pretty damn interesting. Smart move on his part. I don’t start a lot of shit, but I do tend to be territorial when it comes to a woman I’m interested in.

She follows me to my bike. “Why were you looking at him like that?” she asks, catching up to me.

“He was interested in you.”

“So? I’m here like three times a week, sometimes four. He’s used to me.”

“No,” I hiss. “He likes you.”

She shrugs, and I snatch the bag, securing it in my saddlebag and throw my leg over to take my seat. “It’s not really a big deal.” She places her palm on my shoulder and climbs on behind me. She adjusts until she’s snug up to my back.

“The hell it isn’t. The kid won’t be able to speak if I catch him looking at you like that again.” I promise and start my engine, drowning out any argument she may have. I’m being obnoxious, but after the kiss we shared, she’s overtaken that possessiveness I have inside. She hasn’t smiled at me like that yet, and I have a feeling that’s what pisses me off the most out of the entire situation.

“Just take me back.”

“I wanted you at the club with me.”

“I’ll go another time. I have an order coming in.”

“You just had one.”

“I get deliveries nearly every day. I don’t want to argue about it.”

“But you’ll be alone.”

“I’m a grown-ass woman, and I’m not alone. I have employees there.”

“I don’t like it.”

“You can drop me off, or I can walk.”

I crank the engine and take off. She jerks to hold on to me tightly, and I smirk. She deserved that jolt, arguing with me over this shit. I drop her off without exchanging a single word. Leaving her there has a bad taste in my mouth growing stronger and stronger. It’s pointless to try and talk her out of it though; she’s the type that really would walk back, cursing me the entire time.

The ride passes quickly, with the air hot and dry. It’s another summer day in Texas, and my body hasn’t adjusted to the temperature change yet. In Chicago, we’d all bitch it was too warm, but I had no idea what real heat was until coming here. The weather may say ninety-five degrees, but it has a goddamn heat index of a hundred and ten. That shit just makes me want to stay inside, kind of like Chicago winters.

I’m the last one to sit down, and it’s not my favorite thing in the world to have everyone’s attention on me all at once.