Page 32 of Chevelle

I’m eating the banana Chevelle gave me when my brothers stroll into The Pit, finding me on my ass, stuffing my face. Odin’s blond brow hikes, his stony expression reminding me of his older brother, Viking. “We interrupting your breakfast?”

Swallowing, I shake my head. “I have a feeling this is going to be breakfast and lunch. You guys get the body?”

“Yeah, I can’t believe the stupid fuckers strung him up out in the open,” Torch gripes and Nightmare grunts in agreement.

“Me either. Is it just you guys or did the other brothers ride over with you?”

Nightmare tucks his dark, shoulder-length hair behind his ears. “Just us. The rest were too hung over.”

I nod. The lucky asses getting to drink and relax last night. I was here keeping watch for Iron Fists to pop up all night. My eyes feel like they’ve been pricked by needles from the little sleep I was able to get.

“They got the Fist to talk; we found one of their locations too.”

“No shit?” I ask O, and he confirms. No wonder they were celebrating. I’ve heard a few times how they’ve been waiting for years to lock down this rival club.

“Vike doesn’t believe it all, of course. He thinks there’s another spot they’re either hiding, maybe more or something else we don’t know about.”

“Possibly three spots? You think they’d be that organized to have the club spread out in three locations?”

“Probably,” Torch says and leans against Chevelle’s Nova.

“Careful brother, if the bitch sees you on her car she’ll flip.”

He snorts. “I’m not so easily intimidated.”

Odin scoffs. “If you had any sense of self-preservation you would be when it comes to her.”

Rather than argue, I open the Snickers and take a big bite. She even got me the king-sized bar. It’s the best one. I get done chewing and ask, “What’d you do with the body?”

Nightmare grins. “It’s rolled in a tarp and loaded in the truck. I’m gonna let Saint feed it to the pigs at the farm. Looks like it was one of their prospects. I think they got nervous that someone ratted them out or whatever, so they killed one of their own.”

A shiver overcomes me imagining the hogs eating the body. I’m a hardened biker, but that shit’s gross—even for me. “You guys had good timing. The delivery truck showed up, must have been right after you got the body down or I’m sure we’d be hearing sirens about now.”

“The last thing we need is the cops catching wind of this,” Odin gripes and we all nod, agreeing. None of us want to end up in jail, especially for crimes we didn’t commit. “Prez wants you at the club for church tomorrow. He said to bring Chevelle with you, so she’s not left here alone.”

“Bet, text me the time, and we’ll be there.”

“Yeah, good luck with getting her to go with you.”

“I’ll probably talk her into going for food and then just stop at the club. She won’t have a choice.”

Odin snorts. “You think she’ll actually let you drive? Keep dreaming, brother.”

“I’m going to stick her on my bike. She won’t have a say in the matter.”

“How you going to manage that?”

“It’ll be her idea.” I grin, and they chuckle.

“You ever been on a motorcycle before mine?” I ask as she bites into her taco.

She chews a few times and then replies. “A Ducati but not a bike like yours, no.”

Who the fuck had a Ducati for her to ride? My Harley is nice, but probably not as smooth of a ride as an expensive ass Ducati. Wonder who the lucky prick was that had her and was too stupid not to hold on to her? What a dumbass. I never would’ve let her go had it been me. Rather than demand a name and social security number to hunt him down, I take a swig from my beer and move on.

“What did you think of the ride?”

“Surprisingly, I enjoyed it. I can see why you guys like it so much, kind of reminds me of when I race.”