Page 72 of Daydream

-Dr. Seuss

I watch my daydream as she giggles with Princess and London. It’s been a month since she and I got Maverick back home safely. None of us were expecting to reach peace that day. I believed that we would’ve ended up in a bloodbath, and I’d have been lucky if B and Mav made it out alive. I’d do anything for them—even pretend to be at peace with a rival club.

Thankfully, the bloodbath didn’t happen. I don’t know who was watching over us during the exchange, ifHefinally heard my plea when I’d hit rock bottom, but something saved us all. It hasn’t made me religious in any stretch, but it’s made me thankful. I’ve put things that actually matter in perspective, like my love for Bethany and Maverick along with their happiness.

Her laugh is loud, her smile big, and it makes me feel warm in my chest as the three of them gossip about something. Bethany’s grown more beautiful to me the better I’ve gotten to know her. I haven’t touched her like that night we made love though. It was the same night we came up with our plan, and I have to make sure she’s one hundred percent ready to go there with me. I have to know she’s in love with me as much as I am with her. I would give it all up for her, my club, my life, and my heart.

It may be fucking with me a little bit, too, not touching her. I find myself staring at her all the damn time, to the point my brothers comment on it. She hasn’t been back to work either. I barely let her out of my sight. I can’t. I know a potential threat is out there, no matter what Puppet says. I won’t let harm come to them again.

I need to make her mine. I know inside that she’s already mine, but it has to be official. She needs to become my ol’ lady in the eyes of the club so I know she has their protection as well. I’ll be able to relax more knowing that if something happens to me that they’ll look after her and Mav.

“I’m going to do it.” I turn to Exterminator, and his eyebrow shoots up.

“No shit?”

Nodding, I repeat myself. “No shit, I’m going to do it.” I don’t want to wait longer, to hold myself back. I love her too much.

“Good for you, brother.” He claps me on my shoulder as Chaos comes to stand next to us.

“’Sup?” he mumbles, tipping his longneck up.

“He’s finally gonna do it,” Ex grumbles.

“No shit?” Chaos murmurs, and I roll my eyes. These fuckers.

“Jesus, yes, I’m doin’ it.”

“When?” Viking asks from my left.

Meeting his gaze, there’s a challenge shining in it. He doesn’t think I’ll buck up and actually do it. Taking a deep breath, I admit, “Tonight.”

He whistles, and I huff, taking off toward Blaze for another beer. He’s chilling, propped up against the counter, finally healed up enough to tend bar. He has to be careful and not move too fast, but he’s here. That’s what matters, too. We’ve lost enough brothers over the years. Thankfully, he fought through his injures and came out swinging in the end. If it wasn’t for the doc and 2 Piece rushing over to get him to the hospital in time, he’d have died.

“They giving you shit?”

“Yeah, what’s new though?”

“What about now?”

“I’m gonna do it.” I nod toward Bethany, and Blaze’s eyes widen.

“No shit?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I grumble throwing my hands up and head straight for her. She’s standing at the other end of the bar. These fuckers are going to have me do it right now, just to prove that I’m serious. And I am; I’ll do it.

Her gaze hits mine, amused. “Well, looks like someone needs a nap and possibly a spanking.” She chortles and the women to her sides giggle. She’s gotten ballsier as the days pass, too, and, if I’m honest with myself, I love every damn minute of it.

I’ve been known to be a bit grouchy around here, and she has me grinning or chuckling like a fool at times. I haven’t forgotten what she’s done as far as keeping my son from me for all that time, but I’ve learned to move past it. I’ll never forget her actions, but I’ve forgiven her.

Life is too short and way too precious to fight over shit that’s taken up the past. I have a chance to make her and Maverick my future, and I have every intention to do so.

“Aw, baby, someone take your popsicle?” She giggles next, her eyes joyful, knowing she’s going to stir me up. Usually I’ll just throw her over my shoulder and make her scream when she’s in front of her friends like this, but she’s in for a surprise today.

“That mouth, Bethany. I swear it’ll have my cock in it.”

“Oh, he’s going to play today.” She grins and winks at Princess and I growl. It’s a good growl, though. She’s making it hard for me to stay serious right now, but I have to.

This won’t be real if I don’t mean it.