Page 71 of Daydream

Twist stops beside me and flicks his gaze to Puppet. “You fuck with my kid, I slit your fuckin’ throat. Got me, pops?”

Puppet flicks his tongue against his teeth and drops his hand. Viper gives Mav a high five and sets him down. Once his feet touch the gravel he’s running for Bethany.

“Mommy!” he shouts happily, and my throat grows tight when I see him back in her arms where he belongs. She scoops him up and takes him to her car quickly, not skipping a beat. This is what we planned, and she’s followed along perfectly so far.

Puppet asks a few questions, staring at Cyle in a near trance. I tune them out, though. My son is safe. I kept my promise I made to Bethany, and we got our boy back.

“One day, he’ll join his family,” Puppet states, and Twist rolls his eyes.

“Yeah, okay, old man. He may be your blood, but he’s my kid. He carries my name, and I’ll continue to raise him. Your blood is part Oath Keeper whether you like it or not. He’s a club brat, an Oath Keeper brat.”

Puppet hisses, but bites his tongue.

“Where’s your President?” he asks me next, still gazing at Cyle.

I turn and gesture to Viking. He rides over, parking next to me.

“Brother.” He nods to me.

“Brother,” I reply, then gesture to the piece of shit in front of me. “This is Puppet, President of the Iron Fists.”

Viking nods, glaring down at the shorter man. “Can I help you?”

“Before I’d have replied, yes, by killing yourself. But I see circumstances have changed.”

“You’ve got guts speaking to me like that, Fist. I’m sure you know who the fuck I am,” Viking growls and Puppet smirks.

“I’ve heard. That being said, I see my grandson is being raised and protected by the Oath Keepers.”

Viking nods again.

“Instead of exterminating you, this is grounds for peace from my club.”

“We will take the peace, but that does not mean you are welcome in our territory.”

“Fine, same goes for your club.”

Viking nods again, being his normal solemn self. I wonder what he’s really thinking right now. I know we’ll take the peace, but once everyone’s safe and we’re back on our feet, we’ll be hunting again. I will kill this motherfucker if it’s the last thing I do.

“Twist, you take good care of my grandson. And you ever find yourself in a bind and it has to do with my grandson, you have my help. Otherwise, you better pray you don’t die, ‘cause if you do, I’m coming for him.”

“You fucking wish. I’m going to outlive every fucking cunt here,” Twist grits out and spits. He needs to just nod and keep quiet; I’m trying to get us the fuck out of here without any bullets flying.

Viking holds his hand out, and Puppet shakes it. I think both sides let a breath out when they see it. “I’ll be in touch,” Puppet states, then gestures to Viper, both of them heading back to the truck.

“You okay, brother?” Viking asks out the side of his mouth, keeping his stare trained on the two retreating forms.

“I will be once we’re back at the club, and I have them both in my arms.”

“You and B take off; we’ll follow to make sure you’re safe. You, too, Twist; your brothers are at our clubhouse waiting for you.”

“Bet,” he replies and I crank my engine, waving for Bethany to pull out. I cannot fucking wait to get home with my family.

You know you’re in love when

you can’t fall asleep because reality

is finally better than your dreams.