Page 59 of Daydream

“Now, how about you, Tate?” Viking’s gaze hits the Russian. It is his clubhouse, so while Ares is a President, he respects Viking’s status in his own club. It’s the same as when we were at church in their club last week.

“It started out as just a trip so Emily could visit with her friends. Then I caught wind that something was going on, so I left her with the girls at the other club to see if y’all needed my help. Well, the Mafiya’s, specifically. Whatever’s going down, do you have enough weapons or enough men to keep everyone safe? Especially after what Nightmare brought up in the beginning?”

2 Piece claps him on the shoulder, grateful. They’re friends, along with Cain, because of their wives and have grown to do a lot of business together over the years. We’ve done some work for Tate’s cousin, Beau, as well. That’s actually why I got attacked by that damn lion. We were down in Mexico searching for a woman the Russians were hell bent on finding. We came away with nothing, but that’s beside the point.

“We’re good as far as members go, but we can always use more weapons. Did you bring anything with you?”

“I didn’t, but one of my soldiers will be here tomorrow with a few cases. I figure what you don’t use, you may want to sell?”

“Sounds good,” Ares agrees instantly. “Brother?”

“Yeah, we’re in,” Viking confirms.

Tate stands next. “All right, I’ll let you handle your business in private then. If I can help out, let me know.” He shakes Viking and Ares’ hands on his way out.

What a busy damn day. I swear it seems nice and quiet around here and then everything comes at the club all at once. Shit can never just trickle in to be dealt with one at a time.

“Fuck, now back to what we’re going to do to catch these assholes.” Vike takes another swig of his drink and continues. “Spidey, run that photo of Shadow you took today through your face program.”

“Will do, Boss. I’ll let you know what I find.”

“I’ve called the other Nomads, Exterminator and Ruger. They’re on their way into town to provide some backup, but let’s hope we don’t need any. The rest of the crew is on a run up north so they won’t be heading down with them. The mess at Nightmare’s crib is cleaned up. I say we go on full lock-down until we figure out what the fuck to do next. They got a little too close to home today, and I don’t want to see it happen to anyone else, especially when we haven’t even found their location.”

“I agree. We need to vote. All in favor of the plan?” Ares finishes, and we go around the table agreeing.

With church coming to an end, the brothers and I pile out into the bar area while Spider runs the photos he got of Shadow through everything he can think of. I’ve barely thrown back half a beer, and, in no time, he’s calling us to his room to see what all he’s found.

Blaze, Viking, Ares, Cain, and I all pile in and take a look while he explains everything he was able to uncover. He found it in mere minutes with the right information to search for. Fucking crazy how you can be hunted down through random cameras positioned throughout the world.

“So, the facial recognition was able to pick up Shadow all over the place. One in particular was his mugshot which came paired with his legal name. It also found him at several gas stations that have been under surveillance after being robbed. Lucky for us, he had several buddies with him during these times. I was able to feed those camera shots into the system and figure out where a cluster of them have been gathering.”

“A cluster?” Blaze’s eyes row wide, glancing at Viking.

“Yep, not a small one, either. It looks like they’ve been holed up in a little town four hours north of here. My guess is they did it on purpose, waiting to make their move. It’s way too damn convenient they’re that close and they weren’t planning something.”

Ares grumbles, “I don’t get it. How could everyone miss them? We have allies everywhere. It doesn’t add up, none of it.”

“Actually, it does. The spot where they’re hiding out is technically Oklahoma, which puts them out of our main territory. And it’s also right off a busy highway so they can be on and off in no time, with hardly anyone seeing them. In this case, random gas stations were the only thing that pulled them up. If Shadow hadn’t got caught by Nightmare, there’s a chance we never would’ve caught on. They’re smart, and I hate admitting that about enemies.”

“Makes sense.” Cain shrugs. “Random Casinos run by the Indians, pussy, drugs, all right there, and not closely monitored ‘cause it’s Indian Territory.”

Viking huffs, cursing. “Where are the fucking Indian bikers in all this? We couldn’t go through Oklahoma on a run without them being up our asses for a payout to pass through.”

Blaze tsks. “I’m sure they’re getting a payout somehow. You know the Iron Fists roll around in heroin and meth. Bet they’re cooking some shit up for the Indians to keep quiet. The entire thing smells bad to me.”

“Goddamn, motherfucker,” Ares mumbles, rubbing his temples. “The fuck we gonna do then? We can’t go guns blazin’ on the goddamn Indian reservation; Uncle Sam would be breathing down our throats in a heartbeat. We’ve gotten around with mild heat for many years, not trying to get in trouble with them now.”

“Actually,” Spider interrupts. Smart little fucker has an answer for everything. “Where they are, it’s not technically the reservation. It’s closer to the Texas line, so if I give you a location you should be fine. You have to light it up and get the fuck outta there though. No sticking around to see the outcome. It would be hit it and quit it.”

“Good work, Spidey.” Viking claps his shoulder. “Get us a location, and we’ll plan a visit.”

“We need to discuss this ASAP,” I mutter as we pile into the hallway.

“We’ll have a drink and wait for Spider to finish. When he’s done, we’ll go back into church. I think everyone’s still here.” Viking glances at us and Ares nods.

“Sounds good, brother. It’s been a while since I’ve had some fun. I’m ready to take care of business.”

“Brothers, we have news,” Viking begins as we’re all crammed back into church, Spider with printouts spread on the table in front of him. “We have a location and an estimate in numbers.”