Page 60 of Daydream

“’Bout time, let’s finish this,” Twist grits, and I couldn’t agree with him more.

“Ares and I discussed a plan we’d like to run over with everyone. We’re wanting to pay them another visit like before. Think Cali all over again. We torch the place and get the fuck out of there. Come home and batten down for potential blowback. We can knock a bunch of them out with one big hit. Let them scamper away like roaches, same as they did the last time.”

“We all going?” Torch questions, ready to get down and dirty. He used to be a Widow Maker in South Carolina before they were patched over, along with Blaze and Bronx. He’s a pretty mean fucker; I have respect for him always keeping his word.

“We’ll have Exterminator and Ruger; I know they’ll want to be in. From our charter: Chaos, Torch, Nightmare, and I will go.” His irises flick to mine. “If you’re up for it?” Everyone else’s gaze falls on me as well. He’s never asked before, but I know he wants to make sure I can handle the ride with my leg. I’m touched and irritated all in the same breath.

“Of course,” I mutter, glowering so I don’t come off as a weak spot in front of anyone.

“Scot, Bronx, Blaze, and Spidey will stay here to hold down the club.”

“I’m going, too,” Twist interrupts and Ares growls.

“Yeah, Twist, Cain, Snake, and I will ride up. The rest of my charter will stay at the club.”

“Everyone good with it?”

“Aye,” we each respond pegging our gaze on Viking and Ares.

Enough fucking around. I’m ready to leave right the fuck now and handle this shit. I’m sure the others are antsy as well.

“Everyone watch your backs until then. We’ll see what Tate’s men bring up and then plan to hit the road the following day. Expect to ride out Friday. Those assclowns will get fucked up Friday, and we’ll be able to surprise their asses when they least expect it.” Ares and Viking rise, done with business for the time being.

The only thing on my mind is finding Bethany and kissing her again. Her lips were perfect earlier.

His love roared louder

than her demons.

- |writtenbyhim.

I’m half asleep by the time Nightmare crawls into bed behind me. Maverick’s passed out right next to me on a cot Princess found in the storage room. It’s a tight fit in here, but we’ll make-do for a few days. It’s not so bad either, since I’ve gotten used to sleeping next to Night most of the time, and we have to share a bed here.

“Mmm, you smell so fuckin’ good,” he whispers in my ear, and I can make out whiskey laced with mint on his breath. He must’ve been drinking with his brothers a bit before and then swished with mouthwash before coming to bed.

“And you smell like whiskey and mouthwash.” I grin and he chuckles.

“Sounds like a damn good combination to me.” He wraps his strong arm around my waist, pulling me into his warmth. It’s like being covered with a fluffy blanket, and I love the feeling.

“It is.”

“You finally gonna let me in your pants, baby?”

“And there’s the whiskey talking.”

“Dollface…” It’s nearly a whine which makes me laugh.

“Oh no, you don’t crawl in bed half-lit and expect me to spread ‘em for you, the first time in years, at that. Maybe eventually, but not tonight, handsome.”

“You think I’m handsome?” he asks in an unsure mumble.

“Of course, you’re handsome. You’re freaking hot. I’m not afraid to admit that much. Besides, you know it anyhow, all those chicks going crazy over you when you play the drums.”

“That’s just the rocker vibe. Butyouthink that, even with the scar and fucked up colored eye?”

Can he really be unsure about it? I would never peg him being insecure about anything, or caring for that matter. He’s nuts if he doesn’t realize women love mismatched eyes and scars like that. He’s not only gorgeous, but he’s got the bad-boy-kind-of-scary-but-damn-I-could-fuck-you kind of look going—always.

“I think your eyes are beautiful, and the scar is sexy.”