Page 103 of Truth or Dare

They’d also both underestimated the bond forged between Kendall and her brother.

“Becca?” Evan’s voice coaxed me out of my thoughts.


“This doesn’t change anything, you know?” He shifted to face me. “Nothing about what happened changes how I feel about you. I just wanted you to know that.”

He knew everything. What Kendall hadn’t told him, my father had filled in the blanks.

Apparently, he felt Evan had earned the right to the truth when he found me in the tunnels, barely conscious.

He knew about the photographs, about me and Kane, about the dares, the secrets and lies. Evan knew all my deepest darkest secrets, yet he was still here by my side.

But Evan was wrong when he said things hadn’t changed because everything had changed. I didn’t have to run anymore, not from my past or Kane or Evan. For the first time since being in Credence, I could stand still and breathe.

Better than that, I could finally move forward.

* * *

“You look like shit.” Scarlett grimaced, refusing to get any closer, unlike Lilly who came and sat beside me on the bed.

“How are you? We’ve been so worried.”

“I’ll be okay. Listen, you guys…”

“Stop right there.” Lilly held up her hand, silencing me. “It’s forgotten. You did what you had to.”

People kept saying that. Like it excused what I’d put them through. Excused any of the shitty choices I’d made over the past few weeks.

“No, what I did was inexcusable and selfish, and I’ll understand if you never want to talk to me again.”

I watched Scarlett from the corner of my eye. Lilly was kind and would forgive easily, but Scarlett was different. She didn’t let a lot of people in, and I had a feeling once you lost her trust, she wouldn’t give it back without a fight.

“You fucked up, new girl.” My heart sank at her use of my old nickname. But then a slow smirk cracked her face. “But we forgive you.”

My body sagged into the pillows with relief. “As soon as I’m well enough, I’ll go straight to school and iron things out with Principal Garraway, I promise.”

She shrugged. “I’m not going anywhere. Teachers tend to give you a free ride when your mom’s slowly dying of cancer.”

“Scarlett.” My voice was a cracked whisper.

I’d known things were bad for her, but she’d never told me, and I hadn’t asked. In typical Scarlett-fashion, she shook her head, and I got her message loud and clear.Not today. Lilly jumped in, changing the subject to her and Jay’s ‘epic’ reunion, and just like that, we slipped back into our old roles.

They had stayed for an hour before Mom announced Evan was back. He appeared in the doorway, and the girls said their goodbyes, promising to visit over the weekend.

“So how did it go?” Evan joined me on the bed, armed with chips and soda.

He’d practically moved in, only returning home to take Eli to pre-K and shower. Mom and Dad had even let the little guy come over to visit a couple of times. But he would have to go back to school eventually.

So would I.

“We’re good, I think. Lilly is Lilly. She practically told me to forget it, but I’m not so sure about Scarlett.”

“She’ll come around. I told you before; you have people here, Becca. Me, the girls, even Jay, Malachi, and Vin.”

I was starting to see that.

“Is she okay?”