Page 104 of Truth or Dare

Evan tensed beside me, and I entwined my fingers with his. He hated Kendall more than ever for what she’d done to me, but I needed to know.


“She’ll live.”

He didn’t want to talk about it. I got it. I understood more than most. I hated her too, in my own way, but I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.

“Let’s not discuss her again. Not yet. Maybe one day. But not today.” His arm curved around my shoulder, drawing me closer. “Today, I just want to do this.” Evan’s face dipped to mine, his lips covering my own.

There were still things left unsaid; things that one day, we’d need to discuss. But he was right. It could wait.

Because the truth couldn’t hurt us anymore.



“She’s here, she’s here.”Eli’s voice traveled through the house, and I found myself smiling wide as the door swung open. “Becca.” He launched himself at me.

He’d grown, his head almost reaching my tummy.I bent down and wrapped my arms underneath his shoulders, cradling him to my chest. “Hey, buddy. I’ve missed you.”

“We missed you too,” he declared proudly, glancing back at Evan. My eyes traveled up his jeans-clad legs, over the t-shirt hugging his chest, and landed on his face. Overwhelming emotion rushed up my throat, and I swallowed hard, forcing it down. I’d missed him, but I’d underestimated just how much.

“Hi,” Evan mouthed, leaning casually against the doorjamb as Eli squeezed me tighter.

“Hi,” I mouthed back. It had been five weeks. Thirty-five days of surviving on nothing but text messages and late-night phone calls. And now he was here, standing in front of me, looking every bit as gorgeous as I remembered.

“My turn, bud.” Evan scooped up his brother and swung him around, depositing him back inside the house. Then his eyes roved over my face. “God, I missed you.” Evan pulled me into his arms, tucking my head underneath his chin, and held me.

My fingers curled into the material of his t-shirt. “I missed you too.”

“I can’t wait to—”

A little body wiggled itself between us and giggled. “Yay, the club is back together.”

He had impeccable timing, but I couldn’t help the grin on my face.

* * *

“How are your mom and dad?” Evan pushed a can of soda toward me.

Once the novelty of me being back had worn off, Eli had left us in favor of his toys.

“They’re good. I stopped by the house first and then came here.”

“They’ve been great. Your mom invites us over once a week for dinner. She and Mom even went to the mall together, which was…” He rubbed his jaw, searching for the right words, and I stifled a laugh at the frown he was wearing.

“I heard all about it,” I said. “But she’s doing better?”

He nodded. “Thanks to your parents and Mellie, she is. She really is.”

I reached for him, snagging his hand and pulling him to me. Evan snuggled between my legs. “Hi.”

“Hi.” Heat pooled low in my stomach. It had been too long.

Leaning down and pressing his head to mine, Evan inhaled deeply while I traced the lines of his face with my eyes. When he opened them again, they were hooded with desire.

“He doesn’t go to bed for another hour,” he said.