“No!” Bella’s eyes widened in surprise. “I mean, of course I want to marry you.” She shook her head once more “Not that, Greg. Yesterday with you was wonderful, but after I returned home…”
“Yes?” he prodded, breathing a sigh of relief.
“Everything was awful.” She squeezed his hand. “Grandfather and Papa were still yelling at each other this morning when Prissa and I escaped.”
That’s why her sister was there. Some sort of trouble at Chatham House. “What happened?”
“Grandfather discovered some silver and jewelry pieces were missing. When he found the diamond earbobs in my chambers, he accused me of being the thief. “
“Oh for God’s sake,” Greg muttered. Of all the ridiculous things in the world…
“And then Prissa and I had to tell Papa everything we knew about Elliott and the lies he’s been telling.”
She looked so anguished, so heartbroken. The poor, sweet girl. Greg pulled her into his arms and kissed the very top of her head. “I’m so sorry, Bella.”
She tipped her head back to see him better and said, “And Grandfather is trying to get Papa to withdraw his blessing for us to marry.”
“I beg your pardon?” Greg couldn’t keep the grumble out of his voice. Of all the…
“Papa was holding his own when we left, but he said we should hurry. Though that hardly seems fair to you, and I know you wanted your brother in Ireland—”
“To hell with Russell.” Aylesford was a weak man without any sort of backbone. How long could he possibly hold out? “I’ve already got the special license, Bella.” Was there any chance they could get a clergyman to perform the ceremony today? That would put a rather quick end to Chatham’s nonsense.
She blinked up at him. “You do?”
“I am quite anxious to have you all to myself,” he said truthfully. And just as quickly as possible under the circumstances.
That blush of Bella’s that he adored so much stained her cheeks, distracting Greg from his thoughts and making him want to kiss every bit of color from her skin.
“You really don’t mind rushing all of this?” she asked.
“Not in the least.” Greg shook his head. In fact, waiting to have her would torturous. Quicker was most definitely better. “Why don’t we forego the museum and simply head to St. George’s right now?”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “Your sister has her heart set on a grand wedding.”
Greg laughed. “My sister eloped in Gretna Green. She does not get to make demands about anyone else’s wedding.” Of course, this wedding would be Bella’s too. She should have more than a little say in how they did this. It was possible she’d always had her heart set on a grand wedding at St. George’s. “You don’t mind rushing, do you?”
Bella shook her head and her dark curls brushed against her shoulders. “I wish I was already Lady Avery.”
Greg cupped the side of her face and just looked at her a moment, the beautiful girl that would be his wife just as soon as he could manage it. Then he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers.
God in heaven, he loved kissing her. He could spend the day doing so and never get the slightest bit tired. But doing so today would not help their situation any. Tomorrow. After she really was Lady Avery, he could kiss her and hold her and he’d never have to let her go.
Greg lifted his head and smiled down at her. “Shall we tell them we won’t be heading to the museum?”
Bella nodded quickly in agreement.
* * *
After all ofthe anguish and turmoil of the day before, just one kiss from Greg had righted Bella’s world. In fact, she thought it quite possible that she’d float right up to the clouds if he let go of her hand for even a moment.
Today. She would be Lady Avery, Greg’s wife today. No more threats from Grandfather. No way her future could ever be tied to Johann’s. No need for her to fear anything else for the rest of her days. She would never be afraid of anything ever again, not after Greg became her lord and master. She sighed at the thought of marrying the strong, honorable, heroic Gregory Avery, of being able to love him every day forward and knowing that he would be hers forever.
As they re-entered the Clayworth’s green parlor, Greg said, “Bella and I would prefer to go straight to St. George’s this morning.”
His sister’s brow furrowed, though she did nod in agreement. “I did send Mr. Bailey a note yesterday, but visiting in person to make arrangements would probably speed things along.”
“I have the special license on me, Cordie.” Greg shook his head. “Bella and I would prefer to say our vows this morning versus simply making plans to do so.”