Page 66 of A Scandalous Ruse

“Ah, Avery,” Clayworth said in greeting, sounding less than thrilled.

“Greg!” Cordie pushed out of her chair. “You’re early.”

Indeed, he’d risen first thing that morning and had gone straight to Lambeth Palace, and he even had the special license in his pocket to prove it. Then he’d headed directly to Clayworth House to talk the situation over with his sister, but Bella had still arrived before him.

Greg turned his attention to the charming girl who had occupied his thoughts since almost the moment he’d met her. Just being in her presence seemed to lighten his heart. “My dear.” He smiled in her direction.

“My lord,” she returned softly, before her gaze dropped to her hands, folded in her lap.

Hmm…something didn’t seem right. Her smile didn’t reach her silvery eyes the way it usually did, and her hands were clenched rather tightly. Had something happened since he’d seen her last? Was she still embarrassed about Cordie having stumbled upon them the day before? No. No, if that was true, she’d have been late instead of early. Actually, why was Bella here so early today?

“Greg,” Cordie began, “I thought we might venture to the British Museum since we’re fortunate enough to have Lady Priscilla with us today.”

If it was odd that Bella had arrived so early, it was even more so that she’d brought her sister with her. Had she thought Lady Priscilla’s presence would prevent Greg from taking any more liberties? The young girl would serve as a better chaperone than Cordie had, but certainly Bella wasn’t uncomfortable with what they’d done the day before. They were to be married very soon. Certainly there was no need for Bella to bring her own chaperone. “The museum?”

“For a change of pace,” his sister said. “It will give all of us an opportunity to know each other better.”

“All of us?” Greg echoed as his gaze flicked toward his arrogant brother-in-law. The prospect of spending any amount of time with the earl was less than thrilling.

“You’ll have to survive without me,” Clayworth said. “I actually have an appointment with my solicitor this afternoon.”

That was a relief. Greg would take small miracles when they were offered.

“Oh, come now, Brendan,” Cordie urged. “Arabella will soon be family and we should know her better. Besides, we have yet to see the marbles, you and I, and I’d hate to see them without you.”

Clayworth flashed Greg an expression that said he was just as excited about the prospect of spending time with Greg as Greg was with him. “My love—”

“Please, please, please say yes.” Cordie flashed her husband a radiant smile and batted her lashes just so.

She did seem to be more like her old self, which Greg was happy to see. However, her old self was persistent to the nth degree when she was of a mind.

Clayworth heaved a defeated sigh. “You know I can deny you nothing,mon minouche.”

Perfect. A day spent with Clayworth. Greg managed to keep from scowling. He supposed it could be worse. After all, it would have to be better than someone removing his fingernails with medieval instruments, didn’t it? Probably. He wasn’t entirely certain.

“Wonderful!” Cordie clapped her hands together. “We can spend the day talking over wedding plans as we all get better acquainted.”

“Wedding plans?” Clayworth echoed. “Is it too late for me to change my mind?”

“Yes.” Cordie scowled good-naturedly at her husband. “It’s entirely too late. You’ve already committed.”

“The marbles are simply stunning,” Bella said. “If you haven’t seen them yet, you are in for a treat.”

Greg hadn’t really cared about Elgin or his marbles one way or the other, but the dark haired girl on the settee was an entirely different matter. Something was definitely not right with her, he would wager his fortune on it. He couldn’t put his finger on what was wrong exactly, but she did not seem like herself. “My dear,” he began, staring quite pointedly at her. “Might we have just a moment alone?”

“Of course.” Bella nodded and then alighted from the settee.

Her willingness belied Greg’s assumption that Lady Priscilla had been brought along to act as a chaperone. But as Bella was willing to speak with him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He lifted his hand out to her, and a calmness washed over him as she slid her hand into his.

As soon as he led her into the corridor, she said, “You don’t want to spend the day with Clayworth?”

Well, no. He never did. But he hadn’t thought he he’d been obvious about it. “We’ve never seen eye to eye,” he said quietly. “But I’m much more concerned about you. Is everything all right?”

Bella took a breath as she shook her head. “Yesterday was awful, Greg.”

Her words instantly pierced his heart and he felt a little numb. She’d changed her mind. “You don’t want to marry me?”