Page 65 of A Scandalous Ruse

Papa looked like he might be ill. “Why didn’t you say something?”

Bella shook her head. “We’ve always protected each other.” They’d always had to, especially growing up under Grandfather’s roof. “But this, whatever he’s mixed up in, it’s too big for us, Papa.” Her heart ached for her brother whom she’d always loved. They’d been confidants as children, comforted each other over the years, and depended upon each other when they couldn’t depend upon anyone else. “I cannot remember the last time I saw him sober. Each time I’ve tried to reason with him, I’ve had no luck at all.”

“We’ve always told each other the truth until now,” Prissa added. “But now that he’s lying to us….”

“We have no idea the extent of the trouble he’s really in,” Bella finished.

Papa took a steadying breath. “I’ll talk to him when he returns.” He shook his head as though his heart was breaking too. Then he glanced directly at Bella and said, “Your grandfather is adamant that I withdraw my blessing for you to marry Lord Avery—”

“Papa, please,” Bella begged, stepping closer to him and reaching her hand out to her father. “My future with Greg means everything to me.”

He nodded as though he understood, and perhaps he did. There had never been any escape for him from Chatham House. “You should marry quickly, then. So it cannot be undone.”

Goodness. It was almost as though Papa was saying he could only withstand Grandfather’s demands for a short time. Almost as though he knew his efforts would be futile in the end. Anxiety twisted her heart.

Bella squeezed her father’s hand tightly. “Please don’t give into him, Papa. Please. My life would be miserable with Johann. I wouldn’t want to live it if that was my future.”

His brow furrowed at her words. “Did you really know about that?” he asked. “About Johann? Were you eavesdropping?”

Bella nodded slowly. It had been the worst conversation she’d ever heard. The memory of that pain stung her heart anew, and a lump lodged in her throat. She swiped at a fresh round of tears as she said, “He’s never quiet and you were in there for so long that day. And then…” More tears began to trail down her cheeks. “All the awful things he said about me and…”

Papa pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. “Oh, my sweet Bella. I’m so sorry you heard any of that.”

“He hates me because I’m so much like Mama.” She cried harder, holding onto her father, hoping with every once of her soul that she could count on his support. “I hoped you were going to come up with some plan to save me, but then you seemed resigned to my fate and…”

“And then you found Avery and saved yourself.” he said, sounding slightly hollow, as though he should have done more, should have found a way to save her on his own.

But Greg had saved her. She’d been in awe of him since that very first day, his strength, his honor, his green eyes that could turn her insides to mush. “I love him, Papa. I do. Please don’t take back your blessing. I’ll do anything you ask, just please, please…”

“Shh,” he soothed, rubbing her back gently. “My sweet Bella. I won’t let you down, not this time.”

Chapter 20

The bellowing had begunthe night before. And there had been no need to eavesdrop. Every word, every syllable uttered between Papa and Grandfather had echoed through Chatham House, and Bella had not slept well, not with all of the emotions and accusations that still hung in the air.

When the arguing began anew the next morning, she was in such a state that only an escape from home had the hope of calming her nerves. And over the breakfast table, it seemed as though Prissa was in the exact same state.

“Yes! He is my son and I will handle him on my own!” Papa’s furious voice trailed down the corridor, and Prissa flinched.

Bella was truly surprised that Papa had not caved yet to Grandfather’s demands, and she prayed that he remained strong. Heaven help Elliott whenever he finally returned home. “Come with me to Clayworth House today,” Bella said when Prissa swiped at a tear. “Neither of us need to be here for a second day of this.”

Her sister shook her head. “I don’t want to be in the way.”

“Goodness, Prissa! You are my sister. You could never be in the way.”

“Like you handled your wife?” Grandfather shouted from his study. “Like you handle that strange daughter of yours?”

Strange. Bella’s heart twisted, hearing those words bellowed so loudly for the entire household to hear.

“You leave Bella out of this. She’s done nothing wrong.”

Prissa nodded quickly. “Clayworth House sounds wonderful.”

* * *

As soon asGreg stepped into his sister’s home, laughter drifted down the corridor to greet him. Cordie’s laugh. He couldn’t help but smile at the sound. It was such a relief to hear his sister’s happiness, and he found himself hoping once again that she would be back to her usual self in all things very soon.

“I can find my way, Higgins,” he said to the Clayworth butler and made his way down the corridor, stopping just inside the threshold of his sister’s green parlor to find an odd assortment of people filling the room. Bella, beautiful as ever, was already there, on the settee beside her sister. And Cordie and Clayworth, of all the damned people in the world, were in a set of chintz chairs opposite their guests. He shouldn’t have been surprised to find Clayworth there, he supposed. After all, it was the man’s house; but for the most part he’d successfully avoided running into the earl on his visits to Clayworth House, and he preferred to keep it that way. But there he was, the Earl of Clayworth, holding court in his own parlor; however, the smile from his face slid away once he spotted Greg.