Page 68 of A Scandalous Ruse

“This morning?” Clayworth echoed with a frown.

But Prissa nodded her head vigorously. “That is brilliant.”

“Is there a reason for such hastiness?” the earl continued. “I’m sure people will think—”

“People can go hang,” Greg cut him off. “At least we’re not eloping.”

Lord Clayworth frowned slightly at that, probably because he had eloped, but Bella didn’t think any more on it. They were going to rush over to St. George’s and by lunchtime she’d be Lady Avery.

Chapter 21

Blast and damn! Greg had managed, just barely, not to curse inside the hallowed walls of St. George’s, but just barely. With the number of weddings and two funerals being performed that afternoon, they simply could not fit another service into the schedule.

“Is Mr. Bailey in?” Cordie asked, sounding like the voice of reason. She knew the rector fairly well and she must think she could convince the man to squeeze in one more wedding that day. After all, what was one more tiny wedding? They didn’t need an entire sermon, just a few moments to repeat their vows.

“I’m afraid not, my lady,” the rector’s assistant said with a frown. “His mother took ill and he’s gone to Sussex to see about her. We are short manned today, but he’ll be back in the morning, I can schedule an appointment for you to see him tomorrow, if you’d like.”

“And you’re certain no one else would be able to marry my brother this afternoon?” She actually batted her lashes at the man. Unfortunately, her flirting had no effect on the rector’s assistant.

“I am sorry, Lady Clayworth, the schedule is booked. But I can make certain Mr. Bailey sees you in the morning.”

A muscle ticked in Greg’s jaw, though his unease was smoothed away when Bella softly squeezed his hand. He released the breath he was holding. After all, he didn’t really have a choice, did he? “Very well,” he said. “We would like his earliest appointment.”

“Ten o’clock it is, my lord.”

As Greg turned on his heel to lead his little merry band out of St. George’s, his sister said from behind him. “One day isn’t so long.”

“Says the woman who raced to Scotland,” he muttered under his breath.

“I heard that, Gregory Avery.”

Greg glanced back over his shoulder at his sister and quirked her a grin. “I meant for you to, Cordelia Clayworth.”

Cordie rolled her eyes. “Since we’re out and about anyway, we should head over to the museum after all, don’t you think?”

“Elgin’s marbles?” Greg asked.

His sister nodded eagerly. “Everyone’s gushing over them.”

And they were already out. Greg sighed and glanced down at Bella by his side. “Would you like that?”

His raven-haired beauty smiled up at him. “I don’t imagine you have amazing art museums in Notthinghamshire?”

Hardly. Greg couldn’t help but laugh at the suggestion. “You should get your fill while we’re in Town, I suppose.”

* * *

Across the coach, Bella couldn’t help but smile at the obvious love and affection between Lord and Lady Clayworth. Just the way the earl looked at his wife was mesmerizing. His midnight blue eyes softened, and there was a hint of a smile meant only for the countess. Complete and total adoration radiated between them. They had been a love match, something more than a fairytale, Lissy had said; and a tiny ping of jealousy pierced Bella’s heart. Though to want for more than she had would be unseemly. She did, after all, have more than most. Besides, she loved Greg, and it was always possible that someday he could love her just the same way Lord Clayworth loved his wife, wasn’t it?

He’d said he thought he was too scarred, but Greg certainly kissed her with a fervor that made Bella’s toes curl. And the way he’d touched her, the way he’d made her feel… Well, it was a very good sign for their future that he wanted to marry her so quickly, wasn’t it? It was such a shame St. George’s was so busy and that Mr. Bailey was not in his church today. But tomorrow…

“Oh, Greg,” Cordie began, looking across the coach at her brother. “I forgot to tell you. I received a letter from Eleanor today.”

Greg’s eyes widened slightly. “Is mother driving her mad already?”

“Probably,” Cordie agreed with a laugh. “But she didn’t say as much.” She shook her head. “She and Hutchinson are preparing to send Bradley back to England for Harrow and she was hoping you and Brendan could be counted upon to keep an eye on him and on his studies.”

Greg’s brow creased just a bit. “I already offered to do so when she agreed to let Mother stay with them for a while. Figured it was the least I could do.”