Tristan cocked his head to one side as though he didn’t truly want to answer the question and anger his wife further, but then he said, “Haversham has had that coming for many years, Phoeb. I only wish I’d been the one to do it.”
“Every man in Town will be saying that very thing today,” Greg agreed as he dropped into a seat at the table, relieved they were no longer discussing the Kelfield Ball and whether or not he’d attend.
Phoebe heaved a sigh. “Lord Clayworth has forgiven him. They’re even friends now. I would think the two of you could manage to pass the man an olive branch after all this time.”
Tristan shrugged. “And do you imagine Matthew would have forgiven him if it was you he’d absconded with that night?”
Phoebe clamped her mouth shut. She must have realized Tristan had a point and couldn’t come up with anything to counter it.
At that moment, Sanders, the butler stepped into the breakfast room. His dark eyes landed on Greg as he said, “A note from Lady Clayworth, my lord.” Then he strode toward Greg’s seat and handed him a vellum envelope.
“Thank you,” he replied as he broke the seal.
As Sanders left them, Phoebe leaned toward the table to catch Greg’s attention. “What does Cordie say?”
“Give him a minute to read,” Tristan said softly.
I have given quite a lot of thought about our conversation yesterday. There is something I would like for you to do for me, and I have every confidence that doing so will relieve any guilt you may have in regards to your guardianship of me.
Please visit Clayworth House at your earliest convenience, and please do keep this request to yourself. The fewer people who know, the better.
You’re loving sister,
What in the world did she mean by that? Greg re-read the letter a second time, the words not making any more sense than they had at first glance. He could feel Phoebe and Tristan’s eyes on him, he had to tell them something.
Greg folded the note and tucked it in his jacket pocket. Then he smiled at his brother and sister-in-law. “She would like me to visit today, that’s all.”
Phoebe nodded as if that made all the sense in the world. “She probably wants to press upon you the importance of Olivia’s ball. You shouldn’t upset her, Gregory. You should just tell her as soon as you arrive that you have every intention of lending Olivia your support.”
“I’m certain you’re right,” he replied. Though Greg hardly thought attending Olivia Kelfield’s ball would alleviate the guilt that lay on his conscience. But agreeing with Phoebe would keep his sister-in-law from delving any further into Cordie’s cryptic note. “I’d best go see her after breakfast.”
* * *
Greg was shown directlyinto Cordie’s green parlor. His sister rose from her spot on the brocade settee to greet him, her arms outstretched.
“Greg! Thank you so much for coming quickly.” She slid her arms around his waist and hugged him to her.
“Of course.” He returned his sister’s embrace and was relieved to find that she was in a cheerful mood. Ever since he’d read her letter he’d been plagued with one thought or another that he might find her in some sort of duress. “I did have to tell Tris and Phoebe where I was going. They were with me when your note arrived.”
Cordie pulled back from him, a slight cringe upon her face. “You didn’t tell them anything else, did you?”
“I have nothing to tell them. I had no idea what to make of that note, I still don’t.”
Slightly relieved, Cordie nodded quickly. “Wonderful. Don’t breathe a word of this to either of them. Phoebe would only try to help, and while that would be sweet of her, truly – the fewer people who know the better.”
Damn it, she was talking in riddles. Greg furrowed his brow. “The fewer the people who know what? What exactly is going on, Cordie?”
A smile lit her face and she slid her hand into his. “Come sit with me,” she said, tugging him back toward the settee.
Greg followed her lead, settling in beside his sister, who turned on the settee to face him, her green eyes alit with…something. He wasn’t sure what, but his stomach turned just a bit. He had the sudden feeling he wasn’t going to like whatever she wanted to ask of him, not at all. “I hope all you’re going to ask is whether or not I intend on attending Olivia’s ball this evening.”
Cordie giggled. “Heavens, no. You’d attend Livvie’s ball without me having to send you a note.”
Perhaps, perhaps not.