“I think I’ve stumbled upon a way for him to do that. A way to make reparations of a sort.”
“Reparations?” her husband echoed.
“An opportunity to help a girl in need of assistance, a girl whose own brother isn’t in any sort of condition to help her.”
“Who?” Brendan narrowed his eyes on her.
“The girl from last night at the Astwicks’. Lady Arabella Winslett. She’s a friend of Lissy’s, apparently, and…well, the two of them came to see me this afternoon. The girl is in need of help, and I think Greg is just the one to give it to her.”
“What kind of help?”
She wasn’t quite ready to divulge all of that to her husband just yet. He’d just accuse her of matchmaking and meddling in other’s lives like Caroline Staveley did, and while Cordie would find the comparison a great compliment, Brendan wouldn’t mean it as such. “I haven’t worked out all of the details yet.” That at least was the truth. The two of them might not rub along well. She’d have to see them together before she knew for certain. Either way, however, Greg could still be of assistance. “But I may need to twist his arm a bit.”
Her husband’s brow rose in question.
“I may need to use Marina’s name to spur him into compliance.”
Brendan closed his eyes, and a pang of regret stung Cordie’s heart. It wasn’t jealousy over Brendan’s first wife. Brendan had never loved Marina, their marriage had been nothing but a tortuous affair for both parties. But she hated mentioning his first wife for the simple fact that even in death Marina had tormented Brendan.
“You know he feel he owes you a debt that can never be repaid.”
“He can’t, but it has nothing to do with her.”
No, it had everything to do with Greg’s neglectful guardianship of Cordie. But Greg’s past inattention was something between her and her brother. It had nothing to do with Brendan, and she had long ago forgiven Greg. At the time she needed him most, her brother had been in a dark place of his own, consumed with heartache and misery over Marina’s passing and the death of their child. It was a heartache Cordie was quite familiar with. How could she not forgive her brother for tending to his own pain when she knew that pain so well herself? “Brendan, I’m asking for your permission to use Marina for my purposes. May I have it?”
He stared at her for quite a while, his midnight blue eyes seemed to stare straight into her soul. Finally, he shook his head. “You know I can never deny you anything, my love. If after all her machinations, Marina’s name can do someone some good, then by all means, you have my blessing.”
Cordie rose up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to her husband’s cheek. How she loved this man! He was everything to her, and while she would dearly love to fill their nursery with little ones, if they only ever had Julian, it would be enough. They had each other and that was more than most ever possessed.
Chapter 5
Greg strodeinto the breakfast room only to find it already inhabited by his brother and sister-in-law. He managed not to groan when Phoebe’s blue eyes lit up, upon seeing him.
“Oh, Gregory! There you are. We missed you last night,” she said.
He grunted in response. He hadn’t missed them. He’d spent a nice evening alone in his library, the nicest evening he’d spent since arriving in London, to be honest. Even if doing so was sensible and would make Simon Masters roll his eyes at the tedium of Greg’s life.
Phoebe pursed her lips in mid annoyance. “Don’t even think about avoiding the Kelfield Ball this evening. Cordie will be there and Olivia can always use another friendly face in the crowd.”
Oh, dear God. Greg had managed to avoid one evening rubbing elbows amongst the ton with his sister-in-law, and this was how his morning began? With her redoubling her efforts before he even had a chance to break his fast or have a sip of coffee?
Before Greg could find the words to reply, his brother chuckled. “You did miss quite the event last night, Greg.”
“Oh? Did Gillingham toss up his accounts upon someone else last night?”
“Better.” Tristan grinned from ear to ear. “Carraway punched Haversham in the middle of the Rotherby’s ballroom. Dropped the blackguard right to the ground.”
Phoebe frowned. “I hardly find it amusing, Tris. Lissy was very upset about the whole thing.”
“Perhaps Felicity Pierce should keep better company, then. Carraway is only concerned about her wellbeing.”
“Perhaps,” Phoebe countered, “Lord Carraway should realize that Lissy is a grown woman and doesn’t need the viscount trailing after her, playing the role of an ill-mannered governess all the time.”
Tristan sent a rueful glance in Greg’s direction. “Phoebe took Lady Felicity home last night, and Carraway returned me here since my coach had departed without me.”
Apparently, Greg had missed an interesting evening. More interesting than having a drunkard cast up his accounts upon one’s boots in any event. Honestly, he would have enjoyed seeing Haversham sprawled across the floor of the Rotherbys’ ballroom. It was the very least the villain deserved.
“You can’t honestly agree with the way Carraway behaved last night.” Phoebe gaped at her husband.