"Doesn't change the fact that I'm celibate. No kissing, fondling, or neck-sucking."

He sighed. "Is this no-sex thing permanent? Or can I make a reservation to seduce you on the day your celibacy plan ends?"

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help laughing. "Is this how you prove you're not a dick? It's less than convincing."

"Okay, I give. Let's go play with the horses."

My gaze shifted to the horses out in the field, chomping on grass and swishing their tails. They looked serene right now, but I tried to steer clear of the big four-legged beasties. My history with horses wasn't pleasant.

"I'd rather not," I told Damian. "Horses and me… We don't get along."

"These two are sweethearts. You'll like them."

Staring out at the horses, I suddenly realized I was hugging myself.

"Are you afraid of horses?" Damian asked.

"Um…maybe. A little." I forced myself to lower my arms, and instead, I stuffed my hands in my pants pockets. "I got bitten by a horse when I was eight."

"You're with me this time, and I won't let anything happen to you."

I might've thought he was being arrogant when he said that, but his tone of voice belied that. He sounded like he genuinely meant to protect me. Once upon a time, I'd loved horses and wanted to learn to ride. After the biting incident, I hadn't gone near a horse ever again, not even a miniature one.

"How about this," Damian said. "I'll go in there and catch the boys, then bring them over here so you can pet them over the fence. We can call it a soft launch for your riding lessons."

"What's a soft launch?"

"A limited preview before a product launches."

"Oh." I bit my lip, studying the horses. Didn't I want to change my life? Become a better person who wasn't terrified of being alone or making bad decisions? Facing one of my fears might kick-start that plan. I cleared my throat and straightened my spine. "Okay. Let's do the soft launch."


He walked over to a small shed I hadn't noticed before. It was made of wood and almost the same color as the tree trunks around it. Plus, shadows darkened the area, making the little building blend in even more. Damian pulled out a key ring and unlocked the shed, then retrieved two halters and lead ropes from inside it.

"Be right back," he said as he went through the gate and closed it behind him.

I watched Damian sauntering out into the pasture. Hunching my shoulders, I wondered if I was ready for this. What, I could stalk Ollie but I couldn't pet a horse? Sheesh.

Time to face my fears—starting with horses.

Chapter Four


I caught the horses and put their halters on, then led them back to the fence where Heidi was waiting. She was biting her lip pretty hard and gripping the wood fence like it might fly away. I got that she was anxious around horses, but I also had a feeling she'd get over that faster if she faced her fear instead of hiding from it. Heidi Mackenzie didn't strike me as the cowering type. But facing fears could be hard, so I'd take it easy with her.

Not just with the horses. But with dating too.

Heidi took one step away from the fence when I brought the horses up to it.

"Meet Lenny and Georgie," I said. "They're geldings, which means they've been castrated so they won't be big-time assholes like stallions can be. These guys are laid-back. That's what makes them great riding horses."

"Okay," Heidi said carefully, eying the horses like they might leap over the fence to maul her.

"Georgie and Lenny are lovable. Give them a chance, and you'll see." I held both leads in one hand and stretched my arm out to Heidi, offering her my other hand. "Come on, it'll be okay. They won't stampede over you."

She took a baby step toward me, just enough that she could grasp my hand. "Isn't this close enough?"