He didn't sound disappointed like most men were when I revealed my career choice to them. They often responded by lamenting the fact they'd hoped I was a model or a stripper.

Damian studied me again, tipping his head to the side. "I would've guessed geologist."


"Not joking. You seem smart, and the last time you were here, I noticed you kept picking up pebbles on the beach and examining them like you were figuring out what kind of rock they were. Everybody else was swimming in the lake or relaxing on the beach, but you were busy with rocks."

He noticed that? Weird. Either he'd been stalking me or… I didn't want to think about the other option. It meant he was interested, and I didn't want to attract anyone's interest right now.

"I do love rocks," I said, "but it's a hobby, not my job."

The fact that he assumed I had a serious job instead of being a stripper gave me an odd sensation in my tummy. Not quite fluttering. Something similar, but not that. It didn't mean I liked him.

"Here's the deal," Damian said. "I'm attracted to you, Heidi, but I won't push it. You made it clear you think you don't want to date, so I'll respect that. But we can be friends. Right? Just friends."

"Um, okay. Friends might be nice."

"Awesome. Now, let me show you my pilot project."

Damian wasn't a jerk who only cared about what his dick wanted. Huh. I never would've guessed that, but I supposed my checkered past with guys had colored my outlook. Having a new friend sounded kind of nice.

I could keep my libido in check. No problem.

He reached for my hand, then pulled his away. "Sorry. Force of habit."

"Don't worry about it." Wasn't I the one who said no sex, no kissing, no fondling? Now I'd just excused him for attempting to touch me. Well, hand-holding wasn't exactly a felony offense. But it did imply intimacy, so yeah, he shouldn't do that. I might've been flip-flopping on the whole touching thing. Not on the dating thing, though. No way. So no touching either, just to be safe.

But I had always loved going for walks hand in hand.

Cut that out, girl.

I followed Damian down the trail, trying very hard not to stare at his ass. Men's tushes had never been my favorite part of the male anatomy, but I'd seen Damian's naked rear a few months ago when he'd first visited the resort. He walked around in the nude for a long, long time. Even while I'd been insanely determined to win Ollie back, I couldn't stop myself from admiring his best friend's bod. I mean, I was a heterosexual woman and Damian was a hot man. He must've worked out. Not so much that he had giganto muscles like Val Silva. Damian's physique was somewhere between Ollie's subdued muscles and Val's totally ripped body.

His ass flexed under his pants with every leisurely step he took. The fabric clung to his glutes, accentuating every movement of those muscles.

Why did I say I wouldn't have sex for six months?

Because you don't want to make a fool of yourself again, you idiot.

Right. I had this plan that involved celibacy. But I could still ogle Damian's tush. No harm in that.

Damian moved to the side as we entered a grassy clearing that was ensconced in the forest. Two horses grazed inside a large field that had a wooden fence around it and a metal gate. Part of the field nearest to us had been fenced off to form a small, round paddock.

"What is this?" I asked.

"My pilot project." He swept his outstretched arm to indicate the entire clearing. "I want to offer riding lessons and horseback tours. Val and Eve suggested I try it out first to make sure having horses out here is feasible, and to make sure I really want to do this. I know I do, absolutely, but I respect their opinions. That's why I started my pilot project."

"You ride horses?"

"Of course. I'm a gypsy, after all." One side of his mouth ticked upward. "Oh wait, that's wrong. I'm a low-rent Dracula knockoff."

"I'm sorry I said that."

He shrugged. "I've been called worse. Dracula's cool, anyway. Must be, considering how many movies have been made about him and his kind. Vamps are supposed to be very erotic and enticing to women." He bared his teeth. "Want to find out if it's true? I'd love to bite your neck and suck on it."

"There you go again, mouthing off. And I was just starting to think you might be a nice guy after all."

"It was a joke. I'm not a total dick, you know."