Page 31 of Alone

My breath hitches as his lips continue to move over my skin. The combination of his touch and the smell of his cologne turns off the switch in my brain that tells me what’s right and what’s wrong.

I hear the sound of the baggy open and all I can think about is the numbing feeling I’ll have once that’s in my system. The floating feeling of leaving my body and soaring into an unknown world where I can breathe freely and sit among the clouds.

Yes. I will do the unthinkable. I will let these men do whatever they please with me. Turn me into a rag doll that pleases them for hours if they share even an ounce of that precious powder.

But I need to get into character.

I pull myself away from this man’s mouth and I’m oddly disappointed when he releases me. Reaching up, I place my hands on his shoulders and walk him backwards toward the couch that his friend is still sitting on.

“If we only have thirty minutes, we better not waste any time,” I say in my most seductive voice. My eyes continue to focus on the baggy to make sure it doesn’t disappear.

“I’m Chuck,” the white t-shirt says. His mouth is shimmering with glitter, confirming the taste of my skin remains on his lips as he runs his tongue over them. He’s still towering over me since he hasn’t sat down, but I don’t mind feeling small against his muscular body.

I look toward the other guy, waiting for an introduction so I can use their names.

“Vick,” the navy blue t-shirt says.

I smile at them both and say, “Trinity. And I’m the main event at this club.” My confidence rises as I say it.

“You know what Trinity means?” Vick asks, adjusting in his seat while his eyes dance over my body as I stand against Chuck.

“I don’t,” I say, tilting my head up to the tight white t-shirt that I’m suddenly dying to remove. “What does it mean?”

“Union of three,” they both say together. Almost like they’d planned this.

“Clever,” I say with a smile.

I press Chuck’s shoulders and watch as he slowly lowers himself to the couch. I swing my legs over his lap and straddle him, rocking my body back and forth. I grab my chest and massage myself while letting my head fall back, moving my fingertips over my own skin.

My mind knows this isn’t who I am, but my body wants what they have to offer. I continue with the charade.

“What is it you boys want?” I ask, teasing them. “A little dance? A back massage?”

When my eyes return to theirs, they’re both looking at each other. I have a feeling I know where this is going. Getting into the mindset of a woman that would fuck these men for drugs came a lot easier than I’d anticipated. I’m actually starting to scare myself, but I can’t let them know it.

I let my eyes flutter back toward the little bag on the table next to Vick and take a deep breath at the realization that I’m going to let it happen. Whatever they want.

“How about we remove this?” Chuck asks, running a finger down the gemstone string that sits on my hip.

A small part of me wants to say no, but I know that’s not an option if I want to get my hands on that bag and get some money in my pocket.

Keeping up with the seduction, I slowly remove myself from Chuck’s lap and reach behind my neck, tugging at the only clip holding this entire ensemble together.

“Are you sure?” I ask, giving them a sexy smile and swaying my hips as I spread my legs shoulder width apart.

Vick gets up and reaches for me, so I click the clasp and allow the gold material to hit the floor by my feet. I’m standing completely naked in front of two complete strangers. Tattoos and nipple piercings out for the world to see.

Chuck walks over to me and gets to his knees instantly. He grabs behind my knees and pulls, causing my legs to buckle and I go tumbling to the ground.

The two men aren’t even phased that I fell. They don’t seem to care.

Chuck runs a hand between my breasts and over my stomach. “You certainly are a sight to see, Kitten.” He bites his lip as Vick comes over and kneels beside me.

I shouldn’t be turned on by this; two men who aren’t Nick coming at me like ravenous wolves. But I can feel the ache between my legs and I’m dying to be touched.

“If you think seeing me is a treat,” I begin, my breath uneven. “Then, just wait until you taste me.”

I lift my ass up off the floor and put myself into a bridge position. I don’t know where this side of me is coming from, but I decide I’m done questioning it and I’m just going to let everything unfold.