Page 30 of Alone

My escort shuts the door and the sound of the club music is practically gone. When I turn to look around the room, I almost jump when I notice there are already two people in here.

Two guys.

One of them smirks at me, but the other one is fixed on my crotch.

“Hey there, Kitten,” the smirking guy says. “Come on over here and give me what I paid for.”

Chapter nine

Union of Three

Themuffledmusicismaking it really hard to pretend like I’m not alone in a room with two very large men. The one guy who keeps smirking at me is built like a brick shit-house. Even though he’s sitting down, I can tell he’s tall. His biceps fill the sleeves of his white t-shirt, and his jeans are super tight around the crotch.

The other guy who continues to stare between my thighs is built the same way. The only difference is, his hair is a buzz cut while the other one is sporting a ponytail.

To each their own, I suppose.

“Come on over here,” Smirky Guy says, patting the seat beside him. “We’ve got thirty minutes to get to know each other.”

His voice is hoarse and low. It’s almost soothing and I can’t help but feel drawn toward him.

I have an odd feeling in my stomach and my chest, almost like I did when I was craving something during pregnancy. What am I craving though? Is it something I smell? Something I see?

Could it be these guys?






“I have a little baggie of something that will make this worth your time,” the quiet one says, finally allowing me to hear his voice. He takes his eyes off my crotch and pulls the baggy from his pocket.

Drugs? Does he seriously have drugs?

Once the baggy is in plain view, he places it on the small table beside him.

Holy shit. That feeling in my stomach and chest just grew ten times stronger. My un-pregnancy craving is whatever they have in their possession.

I wonder if this is what I had last night. Or something similar.

“Oh yeah?” I ask, trying to play it cool. I never figured that I’d have a drug addiction in any of my lives. Or that I could be persuaded to do unthinkable things just by seeing the container of powder.

Both of them grin at me and now I’m not sure what my next move will be. I know I’m feeling like I need to have whatever is in that baggy. I’m just not sure how far I’ll go to get it.

The white t-shirt stands up and walks toward me. When I feel the sudden stir of air on my skin as he gets closer, I remember that I’m practically naked.

He puts a hand on my shoulder and my body tenses at his touch.

“Just relax, Kitten.” His voice is soft and seductive. “We only have thirty minutes to get to know each other.”

My platform heels make me a lot taller than I normally am, and I’m almost face-to-face with this behemoth of a man as he stares at me.

His mouth finds my neck and my eyes instinctively close. Am I really going to let him do this? Am I really going to… yes. Yes I am.