I like...nolove being intimate with Sin. She is Christmas morning, a day at the beach, and closing a billion-dollar deal all rolled into one.

Her hands knead my pecs through the cotton of my shirt. I bet I’ll look as rumpled as Thomas that time he barged into my office, but I don’t care.

Sin can do anything she likes to me, and I’ll take it, because I can’t let her go. Not now. Not ever again.

With my coming to Sin moment fresh in my head, I go on sensory overload as she flicks her thumbs over my nipples, chafing them under the material and making them sensitive to her every move.

Damn, is she gorgeous.

Her hair is how I like it best—loose and free. She throws her head back and the long tendrils brush my thighs, tickling the bare skin.

It grows hot in the room, a sure sign I’m close. I try to think of anything to keep me going, but all I see is her. Smell her arousal and mine. The mingled scent makes me even more excited.

“Sin, I’m close....”

She snaps her head forward and her hair hangs in her face. She rides me, squeezing her hips on my sides, trapping me under her. As Sin moves, she is wild, untamed, and all fucking mine…

And I can no longer deny it. Sheismine. Forever.

“Royce,” she murmurs over and over, lifting and lowering her hips down the length of my shaft. Her nails dig into my chest. Even with my shirt on, I feel the tiny pin pricks.

Gotta love my woman’s enthusiasm!

Sin moves faster and faster, her breath harsher than mine. Seconds later, her hips clamp down, harder than before.

“Yes, oh... fuck. Yes.” she says, clenching my dick tighter than any vice.

I’m fully dressed, yet I need no other stimulation. Just her name on my lips and the fact that she is still clutching me is enough to send me into orbit. Without further ado, I unload inside her tight heat, gripping the flesh of her thick hips as I groan and spill my seed...

And damn it all to hell...

We didn’t use a condom.

When her breathing slows, she rolls off me and stands, moving away from the bed as she adjusts her damp thong over her slit.

I know I should worry about the wet spot at the center, but it only serves to keep me hard, knowing that she’ll be walking around with my cum on her.


We still have at least twenty minutes before we have to leave for the airport, judging by the time on the watch Gramps gave me for graduation. Not even the thought of him and the hell-storm I’ll face in New York tonight when I come clean to him about Sin, doesn’t dampen the depth of feeling I have for this woman.

She’s everything I could ask for and then some. I don’t care if she doesn’t wear designer clothes, has the room of a ten-year-old or that her hairstyles are beyond comprehension.

I don’t care what it takes, I’ll make the universe align for us. Somehow, someway, I’ll make Gramps see reason. But first... I need to take the worried look off her face as well as allay my own fleeting fear that I may have gotten her pregnant.

All it takes is one time, right?

In my mind, I see Sin, her belly full of my second child as she chases after our first born. The dark-haired child squeals. Sin laughs.

Shit yeah.

“Are you on the pill?” I ask halfheartedly, not really caring if she is or isn’t. Before I left New York... hell, two weeks ago, I would have driven her to the nearest pharmacy to get the morning-after pill or some such shit.

Funny how time spent in the person’s company you want to be with the most in the world has changed my entire outlook on life.

She bites her lip. Lacing her hands together, she meets my gaze. “I’m not, but my period ended two days before we... uh—“

“Before we fucked?” A tinge of disappointment colors my words and her gaze falls to the ground. I sit up, not bothering to put my dick in my tanks.