“You don’t have to do that. I’ll make time to do it.” Like Blue Buddy,no oneis touching this phone.

Royce shrugs and I smell his cologne. I swear my mouth waters for him every time I catch a whiff.

“How did you get this?” I ask, breaking the seal to the box. “There’s a waiting list, right?”

“Not for me.”

I’d hate his smug smirk on anyone else, but not on him. He wears it so damn well.

He keeps his expression as I delve into my present. Removing the surrounding cardboard, I lift the phone from its resting place. It is slim, sleek, and metallic silver. I love it.

Clutching the phone, I throw my arms around Royce’s neck, ignoring his startled expression. “I love you!”

I let out a tiny gasp.

That did so not come out of my mouth.

Too embarrassed by the declaration I’m not sure I meant, I release him and focus my concentration on the phone in my hand as my cheeks warm with my blush. “I-I mean… uh… I love the phone. It’s great. Thank you, Royce.”

He tips my chin up with his thumb. “Sin, look at me.”

It is a struggle, but I finally lift my eyes to his. Sincerity shines through them and his words do a lot to quell my anxiety. “I’ve never been in love before, and to be honest, I’m not sure it is what I feel for you, but know this, my beautiful Princess, I want to find out.”

When his mouth descends on mine, it’s all I can do to not drop the phone I love so much.

Bundles of Joy


Itastetheremnantsof her cherry lip gloss as I kiss her, but that doesn’t define her sweetness. How she moves her hands along my back, how she catches my bottom lip with hers, and how her tongue creases the seam of my lips, does.

My dick stretches the front of my shorts, producing a noticeable bulge in the stretchy fabric.

We have the time, but there will be no fucking now. I don’t want her to think that is what I brought her back here for.

“Royce,” she whispers in my mouth, her hand moving from my back to my bulge. She strokes my cock through the already tight material, making it tighter. I nearly groan in frustration when she sucks the tip of my tongue the way she does my dick.


Sin sure is making it hard...to be good.

I pull back, keeping my gaze on her mouth that I already miss.

“Sin...Come on. We can’t.” Frustrated from lack ofSinful Sex, I practically whine like a little bitch.

She pouts, sticking out her lower lip. That I could resist.... well, somewhat. Trouble is, her hand is still on me.

Rubbing me so damn good.

I close my eyes, tilting my head back to get the full value of just how good she is making me feel. All of a sudden, I’m on my back and she’s straddling me, her skirt hiked to her white cotton thong. The dark strip of the hair on her pussy forms a nice shadow in the blazing white.

I’m lost, giving up the last token of my resistance as I buck against her. In record time, my shorts are down my hips and my dick is free from my tanks, growing by leaps and bounds.

Sin moves her thong to the side and I’minside herbefore I take my next breath.


I’ve missed this. Missed her moans. How her closed eyes, with her heavy lids and long, thick lashes, a few shades lighter than her hair, are almost as beautiful as her big browns.