Sin looks down, plucking at her skirt. Her lips twitch into a small smile. “I’ve read about your foundation, Royce… the work you do.” She raises her gaze to mine, and I draw in a deep breath at the look ofadmirationI see in her beautiful eyes. “I’m glad you were here to help her. I really, really am.”

No Take Backs


Isitontheedge of Royce’s hotel bed, watching him pack. He’s meticulous in how he organizes his things into a small gym bag. Since he’s only going to be gone for two days, he doesn’t need much. Plus, he’s staying at his apartment where all his things are.

He goes into the bathroom to get his razor and my mind goes back to earlier this afternoon.

I handled myself well at Paradise with that little blond, but after a week of being spoiled by Royce… being in his company almost 24/7, held in his arms at night and kissed on the temple every morning, I have grown possessive, so much so that I nearly showed my ass at lunch today over a woman he was trying to help.

Took the lust right out of me and replaced it with shame.

Still, I know my worth, and what I can offer an ordinary man.

But a man like Royce?

I pluck at my t-shirt and study the fade of my denim skirt. The last time I wore a dress was at my wedding and before that… hmm, I bet I could count on one hand the occasions.

My baptism when I was thirteen.

My sweet sixteen party at a burger joint.

Senior Prom.

My ex’s parents’ twenty-fifth wedding anniversary where Matt’s mom had said my navy blue dress had to be vintage because it looked like it came from a thrift store.

Instead of telling the witch where to go and how fast, I clamped my lips tight to keep the peace. I wish I would have let loose on her ass just once. There were way too many instances where I’d held my tongue.

I won’t make that mistake again.

If a relative of the man I’m with doesn’t like me, well, they will know I don’t like them either.

The noise of a zipper closing pulls me from my thoughts. Royce carries his bag to the other room and, thinking it is time to leave, I shift my feet to stand and follow him.

He turns and says, “Stay there. I have something for you.”

He goes into the closet. Half a minute later, he peeks his head out, looking like he’s a teenager with that grin on his face. “Close your eyes.”

I cross my arms over my chest instead. “What for?”

He’s probably going to give me something to take to STS on Monday when I go back to work.

He rolls his eyes. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him do it. He looks so cute I can’t help but uncross my arms and smile, closing my eyes like he asks.

I feel him come near. His heat that I’ve become accustomed to, tugs at my core, making the lust I’d lost during my lunchtime foolishness come back full strength.

“Hold out your hands.”

I startle at his whisper in my ear, and a tingle goes down my spine. I lift my hands from my lap and hold them out, my smile straining my face.

Royce puts something (a box?) in my hand. I feel around the edges. They are pointy and the object has some weight, but not much. It’s too big to be a jewelry box…

“Open your eyes, Sin.”

In my hand is the newest, most expensive iPhone on the market. I should know because on a whim, I priced them yesterday online. I wanted the newest model as the camera is to die for, but the price, had I paid it, would have put a hole in my emergency fund.

Royce sits on the bed and props his arm behind my back as he leans into me, the bare skin under his shorts rubbing mine. “I got this model to replace the old one I cracked. I know you’ll be busy catching up with work, so, if you like, I can arrange for someone from the Apple store to install the SIM and transfer over all your apps.”