I huff out a sigh, not even trying to contain my frustration. “I’m with friends and I was about to eat. Make this quick Gramps.”

Blunt as ever, he gets right to the point, “I need you to come to New York next weekend.”

I guess I saw this coming. When I’d talked to Tiffany earlier in the week, she hinted something was in the works concerning my birthday and, more than likely, our wedding. I bet Gramps wants to get more bang for his buck by throwing me a party and announcing my upcoming nuptials at the same time.

I don’t duck and dodge. I ask him for the facts straight out. “Is this about our engagement? Tif and I don’t want a formal announcement. If you’re worried I’ll back out, I won’t. The announcements are out, right? That should be enough to show I am committed.”

Then why does it feel like I want to throw up?

“Really? Are you committed, boy?”

His questions lead me to think he knows about Genesis, but then again, if he did, Gramps is direct enough to say so.

And direct enough to do something about it.

“Yes,” I say with as much conviction as I can muster which isn’t a lot.

“Well, okay.” He doesn’t sound happy about it. If I had to guess, he sounds rather disappointed. “See you next Friday then.” He hangs up before I can say yea, nay or hiss-boo.

My appetite disappears. My mind whirls. I push myself from the wall and spin into the path of someone coming around the corner. “Damn, I didn’t mean—“

“Royce? What are you doing here?” Sin asks, rubbing her shoulder.

The Cure


“Holdon,”Iraspto Natalie as I unbuckle my seat belt. “Don’t lock the door, I have to get my equipment from the back seat.”

Natalie shakes her head. “Girl, you sound worse than a frog croaking on a lily pad. Why don’t you rest yourself before you stress yourself?”

I chuckle, closing the front door, then opening the back. I sling my camera bag over my shoulder. With the restaurant this close to the highway, it’s a guarantee someone will break Natalie’s car window to steal my gear.

Natalie speed walks ahead while my steps slow. Not only am I tired from walking and carrying my camera bag with the zoom lenses and filters, my shoulder aches from being weighed down.

This morning, after Royce left in a hurry, I went to Lake Travis and took pictures.

In anticipation of the insurance payout I’m expecting, I ordered an upgraded bike with more gears and bigger bike bags. Other than a short test ride, this morning was the first time I’ve been on a bike since my accident.

Getting back into the saddle wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. Thank goodness. With only a quick flashback of my hands meeting the pavement, I rode like I always have—with pure enjoyment.

It dissipated slightly with the trek to the Lake and then the uphill trip to Natalie’s house. If I hadn’t promised to eat lunch with her to discuss our respective dates, I would have peddled straight home and gone to sleep.

“Come on, slowpoke,” Natalie catcalls. “Aren’t you hungry?”

It’s a quarter till noon and I’m starving. Ravenous, in fact. I’m going to order the biggest bowl of chili the restaurant has, top it with tons of cheese, and wash it all down with a sugary soda.

I deserve it.

I’d worked off my breakfast of two slices of bacon and half a pancake with my adventure this morning… and with Royce last night.

He hadn’t repeated the feat of giving me as many orgasms as he’d done in New Orleans.


But the ones he had given me were so intense, I saw stars, planets, and even new constellations. I’d exploded like a supernova with the heat.

And whatever feelings he put there, I shut them down, keeping his warning up front and center in my mind.