Don’t make this more than what it is or you will regret it.

Not only are his words burned in my heart, they are tattooed on my eyelids. I see the coldness on his face every time I close my eyes.

Nat and I follow behind the rainbow-haired hostess to our reserved table, located close to the kitchen. It’s not the ideal place, as a wall cuts off most of our view of the inside of the busy restaurant. Perfect for a private conversation.

Just as I get out my phone to type a note, Big Barron sprints from the swinging doors. He slows down when he sees me watching him, a sheepish grin on his ruddy face. It seems he’s embarrassed at being caught rushing to see Nat. I give him a chin jerk and he returns the same coupled with a “Hey, Gen.”

Then his attention goes to Nat, and the tenderness in the look they exchange leaves me breathless.

I quickly turn my attention to my phone to give them privacy. I have fifty new pictures on my camera roll and about four times that number with my SLR camera. Editing them will take up the rest of the weekend and it’s the perfect task to keep my mind off of Royce.

I pretend not to notice as BB gives Nat a quick kiss to the lips. With a wink and nod at me, he says, “Order whatever you want, ladies. It’s on the house.”

It...Needs No Explanation


Typingonmyphone,I send Nat a text. It’s so much easier than passing the device back and forth.

Me: That was nice of BB to give us a free lunch.

We’ve been to his bar a million times, but this is the first time inside the restaurant. Nat’s man must be serving up great food as the place is packed.

Nat grins, reading my message on her screen. In her yellow sundress, she’s glowing more than that orb in the sky.

“Gen,” she says, all dreamy. “He’s great like that. Insisted on paying for everything.” Nat pauses, a slight frown on her face. “I felt bad about it.” She swivels her neck and bats her eyelashes, knowing she didn’t mind in the least.

We both break out into giggles.

Me: So... don’t leave me in suspense, tell me everything.

Nat shakes her head. “Uh-uh, you first.”

Sitting up straighter in my chair, I pout as I type.

Natalie knows about me and Royce. And even though I’m not one to share the most intimate details of my sex life, I’ve given her vague hints about how he operates in bed. Seeing as I had to drag myself in here, she ought to know Royce laid me down last night.

Several times.

Me: I want to know about your date. You went on a real one. We just went to my bedroom and had sex.

As she reads, her forehead creases. That’s Natalie’s way of looking puzzled. She looks up from her screen, flicking her eyes over my face, down to the yellow bandanna around my neck, moving to my smiley-faced t-shirt, and the top of my gray yoga pants. When her eyes return to mine, she asks, “What do you mean by that, Gen? Did Royce not treat you well?”

I shrug, wondering if I had a right to be bitter. After a quick processing of all the facts, I decide I don’t. I wanted it as much as he did.

Me: It was perfect. Just what I wanted.

‘It’, meaning the sex, was perfect. The rest of our encounter needed a lot of clarification that Royce wasn’t about to give me. Why would he when I’m nothing more than a booty-call?

How pathetic and weak I’ve gotten…. and over a man, too. I halt my castigations when I catch sight of Nat’s worried expression. I hasten to put my friend’s mind at ease by forcing a smile to travel from my mouth to my eyes.

Nat shakes her head, her curls bouncing. “Uh-uh, missy.” She fiddles with the right strap of her sundress, bringing it more over her toned shoulder as she digs into me for my obvious lie. “Don’t give me that nonsense. I know you too well.”

After rolling my eyes, I write, taking my time to gather my thoughts. It’s hard to put how I feel into words. I type, erase, and retype. With a sigh, I send the text.

Me: The sex we have is out of this world. That’s all we are and I don’t see that changing. He left without making plans for later, and unless he’s plucked my phone number from my employee file, he doesn’t have it, so he won’t call. I’m fine with that. I’ll be busy with my photos and if we don’t talk until Monday, so be it. Now, enough about me. I want to hear your news.

I’m no victim. I brought everything on myself by getting entangled with Royce again. I own that. Right now, all I want to do is listen to Natalie’s positive experience. It will help pull me from my negativity.