Douche number one puffs out his chest like a rooster ready to do battle. He lifts his beefy bulk from his stool, rests his meaty hand on her chair, and turns her to face him, leaning in to whisper something in her ear.

The woman throws back the rest of her third drink and gives the beefcake an invitation in her smile.

He grins like a loon, probably thinking he is about to get lucky.

My hands clench along with my jaw at my missed opportunity as she loops a finger into Mr. Beefy’s waistband and pulls him closer...

Only to dump the ice from her glass down the front of his trousers.

His howl of rage and humiliation is music to my ears even as I recognize her move as a dangerous one. Not smart emasculating a guy like that. Douche-bag’s face is firetruck red, and a vein has popped out on his footballer neck.

I’m up and forcing my way between them before I register that I’ve moved.

“Is there a problem?” I ask with a calm I don’t remotely feel. I already know I’ll seriously harm this guy if he tries to touch one hair on her head.

“Did you see what that bitch did?”

I cross my arms, making myself wider to protect the woman behind me. “The entire bar saw it. Shit was funnier than fuck.”

“Next time,” says a voice prettier than a white Christmas morning, “maybe you’ll think twice about fucking with someone who wants to be left alone.”

“You bitch!” Douche number one shouts as he swings wide, trying to get through me.

I easily block his forward momentum with my arms and use them to shove the prick so hard, both he and his seated buddy land on the floor. Within seconds, staff from the hotel appear to help the douches to their feet and out to the sidewalk after a deferential nod to me.

They know who I am.

I turn to the woman, worried that even though she displayed a lot of bravado, she may have suffered a shock.

Under my gaze, she sits up straighter and her little nose quivers as she catches my scent.

I can’t help my smile at her naïveté.

She is not the predator.Iam.

And damn if I don’t want to clue her in on that fact.

“You smell so... nice,” she utters as if in a dream. Ms. Quirky snaps out of it a second later, clamping a hand over her mouth.

With her face flushing from the neck up, her embarrassment is so damncuteI have to laugh…

Until her eyes lift to mine and I get lost in the beauty of those big browns that must hold at least fifty carats of sparkling chocolate diamonds.

Time slows down. It stops. Our eyes remained locked for minutes. Hours.Weeks...

Someone taps me on the shoulder.

With a sigh, I shift my attention from the brown-eyed beauty to the hotel manager.

“I’m sorry for the disturbance, sir. I have taken care of your bill and that of your companion’s. If I can be of assistance with anything else, please let me know.”

I thank him, and by the time I turn around, Miss Quirky is one arm away from putting on her ridiculous coat. “Where are you going?”

She looks at me for a long moment before dropping her eyes. Seconds later, she lifts them. “Nowhere... that is if you want me to stay.”

If we are to dance, I need to know her name. Not that I care. It’s just a business habit of mine.

I extend my hand. “I’m Sam.”