I give her the same fake name I use with my call girls, although I’m pretty sure they know who I am in the real world.

She extends her hand, and we have a meeting of the palms. A quick clasp of fingers that leaves me unsatisfied.

“I’m Genesis,” she says, her eyes darting to my hand to I assume look for a ring.

I hold up both hands and turn them front to back. “I’m not married.”

Her smile is wry. “It would be just my luck if you were.”

Not sure what she means by that. I don’t dwell on it as I didn’t come to her defense to let grass grow under my feet.

“So, Genesis. What brings you out on a wet...” I fix my gaze on the apex of her thighs then slowly bring my eyes back to her face, “Thursday night?”

A crude line, I know, but it is better for her to know how I roll. If I scare her away, no worries. I’ll just swallow the rest of my drink, go to my room, get into the shower, and jerk one out, daydreaming about what could have been.

She doesn’t take offense at my uncouth offer. Instead, she lets out a small sigh then mutters, “I’m trying to forget.”

Oh shit. I don’t want to play psychoanalyst. Although, doctor is okay...

Her eyes well up and her voice trembles. “Will you help me do that? Will you help me forget for one damn night?”

I don’t acknowledge her tears. Doing so would only cause her embarrassment. Instead, I give her a moment to compose herself while I wait for the horn to sprout from the middle of her head, right between her gorgeous brown eyes.

It’s been many a moon since a woman has been so forthcoming about wanting to fuck.This Genesis woman is a unicorn. Has to be.

Wait. Does she know who I am?

Or my net worth, so to speak. Any gold-digger worth their salt knows my bank balance down to the penny.

I lean against the bar and scan her face for deception. “What are you after, Genesis?”

She puffs out a breath. “I just need one night. One night with no questions and no worries.”

Not quite convinced this mythical creature is one-hundred percent, I press for more details. “And you think I can give you that?”

Her words are so soft, I have to strain to hear them. “I sense something in you. Something Ineed. Something raw, and dark, and bad. The way you stood up to that guy... ready to do battle for someone you don’t know...”

She pulls the bag from her shoulder and dumps it on the bar. A card wallet, two quarters, a condom packet, and her phone lay on the hard surface.

Her phone has a crack in the lower left-hand corner. Damn shame, because it’s a fairly new model. I hate to see nice things damaged unless I’m the one doing it.

“Listen,” she says, her eyes narrowed. “I’m not trying to steal a kidney from you, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Her voice is tight. Whether from anger, embarrassment or resignation, I’m not sure, and I don’t spare a second to puzzle it out. I’m too busy caught up in what she represents—a night where I can be me,withouthaving to pay for the privilege.

Miss Quirky huffs, then shoves her things back into her tiny bag. As she picks up the last item, a quarter, I grab her hand.

My grip is tight but not overly so and I scan her face for afuck-you-I’m-out-of-here.

There isn’t one.

Only a smile so full of secrets, I’ll never be able to unlock it.

She wants my strength. My rawness. My roughness.

In that moment, all thoughts of straight-laced sex fly out the window. My cock strains the zipper of my blue tailored suit. My breathing speeds up.

I can’t wait to have thisunicornin my bed, but even after my little test, I have to ask one more time if she will be okay with taking what I plan to dish out.

“If you want to forget your problems for a night, I can give you what you’re seeking.” I search her face, looking for the slightest hesitation. “But will you be mad at me in the morning if I do?”