She won’t get the chance. I’ll tell her the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

“What will you do after your grandfather cuts you off?”

I take a beat to think my answer through. “I haven’t thought that far ahead. I’ve seen myself running the Grayson Group and its foundation for so long... I guess I need to consider my options.”

“What do you like about running the Group and the Foundation?”

This answer is easy and I let the reasons roll off my tongue like a tire down a hill. “You should know I like to be in control.”

Her smile comes blazing through my phone’s screen and I take a moment to marvel at her beauty before I continue. “Um, like you, I’m adept at solving puzzles. It gives me energy. Life. The foundation...well, helping people in dire’s what I was made for. And if I can prevent anyone in this world from going through what I did...”

Sins’ eyes shine like she’s close to tears. She blinks them back and asks, “Would you consider living here?”

“Sure.” The affirmation is out of my mouth like a shot. We could live in a hut made of sticks and I wouldn’t care as long as I was with her.

Her eyes widen for a second before her face turns impassive. “What is the woman you are going to marry… Tif… what is she like?”

“You mean the womanI wassupposed to marry?“ I lean further into my pillows, and crossing my hands on my abs, I tell Sin about Tif. “She’s not a blonde...” Sin and I snicker at the same time. “She is petite though.”

Sin smirks, nodding. I ignore her, knowing her judgment of me is correct: I’m a man of habit. At least I was before she came along, tempting me with her creamy thick thighs and an ass I can’t wait to grab the moment I see her again.

“Come on, tell me more. Don’t leave me hanging.” She pokes out her sweet-as-fuck lips in a pout so hot, my bulge twitches.

“Um, Tif... Tiffany Primrose, is her name. She’s smart, beautiful in a girl next door kinda way, and she owns her own company.”

Sin lowers her expression to her chipped nails as she removes polish from her left ring finger with her thumb. “She sounds like quite a catch.”

“She is. She’s an exceptional woman who will make some man very happy one day.”

It just won’t be me.

For a split second, I wonder if Tif and I had met under different circumstances,andif Tif liked sex, would I still want Genesis?

Fuck, yeah. No doubt.

I’ve thought about Sin for the past two years. She’s starred in many of my fantasies and in my dreams. That has to mean something.

Fucking fate and destiny, that’s what.

“As a matter of fact, I think you two will get along well. She’s not quirky like you, but she has her moments. We both minored in English Lit and I thought— “

“You?” Her gaze slides to mine at the same time she swivels her head back. Thethunkof her skull against her headboard makes me wince. “No way,” she scoffs, absentmindedly rubbing the back of her head. “I refuse to believe you minored in English Lit.”

I flutter my eyelashes in an exaggerated fashion and place a hand to my neck, fingers spread. “Moi?”

My gesture has the needed effect of making Sin produce the sound I like best. Her laughter. Well, maybe second best. My name on her lips as she comes has to be, hands down, my first.

“Yes, Princess. I minored in English Lit and majored in Corporate Management and Information Science, the same subjects I also received my master’s in.”

“Smart-ass,” Sin grumbles before sticking out her tongue.

“Shaadup, Ms. I Graduated From College At Sixteen Because I Took Advanced Courses for College Credit.”

An image of a younger Sin at a library, a pile of books around her as she studies for an exam comes to mind.

I wish I would have met her then. I bet she was more carefree, more trusting, before that bastard Matt made her build walls ten thousand feet high.

“What did Matt think of you graduating early?” I deserve an Oscar for acting so casual. Even saying that fucker’s name has my blood boiling. He hurt Sin, and one day, I’m going to make him pay.