Sin looks startled at the new direction of our conversation. Except for the pictures, we’ve never really talked about her ex. I believe he is a non-factor in her life, but learning about their background can’t hurt. I don’t want to fuckup like that asshole had.

“Well... he never really commented on it. I mean, when we first started dating, I told him, and from what I remember, he said something like ‘good job’ and... yeah, that was it.”

What an ass. He was probably as jealous as shit.

“Well, it’s a damn good thing he is out of your life and you never have to worry about him again.”

Sin clears her throat. “Um, about that...”

The Odds of a Favor


“Mattcalledandaskedif I could help him find a job,” Sin says sheepishly.

All I heard was:Matt called.After that, my ears roar with heated blood and a red film clouds my vision.

What the hell is he doing bothering her?

My jaw grows tighter than a spring in a Swiss clock. “I hope you told him to fuck off.”

A guilty expression steals across her face like a kid stowing a stolen candy bar down their pants, eyes darting from left to right.

“Sin...” I growl, low and angry.

“Listen Royce, his wife is pregnant. Both of them are out of a job, with no source of income. They live on handouts from churches and what little they receive from the government. They don’t qualify for Medicaid. Their resources, Matt’s trust, which he can’t touch until he is thirty, puts them over the qualifying limit. I have to help them if for nothing else than for the child. I swear if it were just those two.” Her pleas for help stop as steel comes into her eyes. “I wouldn’t do shit for them.”

“How do you know the story is true?” I counter, clenching my fists to my sides. “Maybe he wants to play on your sympathies?” From what I know of him, he seems like just that kind of bastard.

“Why would Matt lie?” Her brow scrunches in thought. “I can get Seth to verify the joyous news just to be sure.”

Her sarcasm isn’t lost on me. Does she still have feelings for the prick?

“How do you feel about his wife being pregnant?”

She scrunches her nose. “You know, when he called me out of the blue, I felt nothing. And when he told me Pam was pregnant, I felt…less than nothing, except for the kid. I hope Matt’s mother doesn’t have too much of an influence on how the child is raised.”

“Was she really that bad?”

“That and then some.”

“You won’t ever have to worry about that with me. No one will harm you in my presence.”

Or out of it, I add silently.

“I can tell you really mean that, unlike… well, that doesn’t matter anymore.”

I nod like I agree with her casually dismissing her ex’s failure to protect what’s his.

Truth is, I don’t want her prick of an ex breathing in her direction, let alone contacting her again. I have half a mind to say no to granting him a job.

Then again...

I haven’t any kind of right to give Sin a hard time. Not after I told her my Gramps all but expects me to be wed in a month and that I paid for sex my entire life. Sin accepted my baggage like a champ, hardly batting an eyelash. It’s the least I can do not to act like a jealous caveman.

That’s all good in theory.

In reality, I don’t like helping her ex. Not one bit.