Standing still, Nina watched as Teresa quietly slipped out from behind the coffee and cake counter and over to the bakery counter, taking the bag of pastries from Brooke’s hands and turning to the customer. Nina looked down at the floor. She shouldn’t have come here. She should have accepted Rowan’s support, or better still, asked Ian to meet her at the pub.


Keeping her eyes focused on the floor tiles, Nina waited for Brooke to tell her what she thought of her. She waited for her to tell her how disappointed she was that Nina had kept everything from her. She waited...

‘Do you want to come on through to the kitchen? Elsie and Ian are waiting for you.’ Brooke spoke quietly, kindly.

Nodding, Nina followed her through the bakery and watched as she pushed open the door to the kitchen, waiting for her to go through. Pausing, she looked around the bakery. Everything appeared normal, as it had done since she’d arrived. Customers chattered and laughed. A small child in a buggy wriggled, trying to escape. Wendy and Molly were standing talking to a couple at the wedding counter, pointing out the various wedding cakes on display. The only thing which was different was the fact that Teresa had left her position behind the coffee and cake counter to relieve Brooke.

‘Nina, love. I’m so glad you’re back.’ Rushing towards her, Elsie pulled her in for a hug as the door swung gently shut behind her, the noise from the bustling bakery muffled.

Stepping away, Nina kept her eyes focused on the floor. ‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I should have told you all why I was here in the beginning, as soon as I’d arrived in the bay. I won’t make things awkward. I’ll get my things and get going.’

‘You’ll do no such thing, love.’ Ian’s voice was soft, strong.

Looking up, Nina met his gaze. ‘But I...’

‘You had a daunting task. You came to a strange place to tell me, a total stranger to you, that your gran had given our child up for adoption. On top of that, you had to tell Brooke, another total stranger, that you are related to her. No one can blame you for not telling us straight away.’ Stepping towards her, Ian took her hands in his. ‘And no one is blaming you for the message you brought us either.’

‘You’re not angry with me? Or disappointed?’

‘Absolutely not. How could I be? How could any of us be? There’s nothing to be angry about and certainly no reason to be disappointed. I’m sorry if the way I reacted to your news made you feel that way. It had never ever been my intention. I was simply trying to wrap my head around everything.’ Ian’s voice cracked.

‘No, I... you didn’t make me feel like that. I just assumed that was how you, all of you, would feel about me.’ She ran her tongue over her cut lip.

‘Good, I’m glad it wasn’t my reaction which made you feel that way. I’m glad you came. I’m glad you told me what you did. Thank you for bringing me the missing piece of the puzzle. I’ll never forget what you did for me.’ Ian held out his arms.

Nodding her head, she hugged Ian back. She’d never meant to hurt him.

‘My turn now. She is my cousin, after all.’ Grinning, Brooke wrapped her arms around Nina and Ian.

‘Well, I’m never one to want to feel left out.’ Chuckling, Elsie joined the hug.

As arms were lowered and Elsie, Ian and Brooke stepped away, Nina smiled and looked across at Brooke. ‘I’ve never had a cousin before.’

‘Me neither, but I’m glad I do now and I’m glad it’s you.’ Grinning, Brooke hugged her again, laughing. ‘I can’t believe Max guessed we were related when we were bowling.’

‘I know. What did he say when you told him?’ Nina tucked her hair behind her ears.

‘After the shock had worn off, he said, ‘I told you so’.’ Brooke laughed.

Shaking her head, Nina laughed. ‘What happens now?’

‘Now?’ Elsie rubbed Nina’s arm. ‘Now, we have a coffee before we get back to work.’

‘You’re sure you don’t want me to leave?’

‘Of course, we don’t. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do. You’re family now. You’re part of the bakery family and you’re Brooke and Ian’s family, too.’

‘Thank you.’ Nina looked from Brooke to Ian. Was she really part of their family?

‘And before you ask, you’re my beautiful Heather’s niece, which automatically makes you part of my family.’ Ian wiped his eyes. ‘And Elsie is right, we do have a lot of catching up to do.’