Chapter Twenty One
‘Morning, sleepyhead.’
Pushing herself to sitting, Nina stretched her arms above her head and looked up at Rowan. ‘Did I sleep right through?’
‘You sure did.’
Taking a deep breath, she smiled. She’d forgotten what it felt like to have a good night’s sleep.
‘I’ve got your clothes here. I ran them through a quick wash and let them dry on the radiator overnight.’ Rowan patted the pile of clothes he was carrying.
‘Thanks.’ Folding the throw, she laid it over the back of the sofa and stood up.
‘Gerald is cooking us breakfast, and then we can wander over to the bakery. What do you think?’ Rowan ran his fingers through his hair.
‘Umm.’ She remembered now why she had stayed at the pub. She could feel the knot of nervousness returning to her stomach but, equally, she knew she had to face up to things. She knew she needed to go and clear the air with Ian, Brooke, and Elsie. ‘I can go on my own.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Yes. I need to face them at some point.’ She nodded.
‘Okay.’ Stepping towards her, he wrapped his arms around her.
Burying her face in the dip of his shoulder, she breathed in the familiar scent of his aftershave. ‘Thank you for everything.’
‘Hey, there’s no need to thank me.’ He kissed her on top of her head. ‘It really will be okay. Else and Ian are just worried about you.’
Taking a deep breath, she pulled away and nodded. She’d find out soon enough, anyway.
SLOWING DOWN, SHE FOCUSEDon her breathing as she walked across the cobbles. She could see the bakery now. She could see the queue of customers trailing outside. Another way she’d let them all down. Chewing her bottom lip, she winced as she felt her teeth pierce the skin, her mouth filling with blood. It was now or never.
‘Excuse me, please.’ Sidestepping around the customers, Nina walked into the bakery, pausing in the doorway.
‘Nina.’ Diane waved at her from behind the counter before nudging Brooke on the arm.