‘Really?’ Nina ran her index finger across the edge of the counter. Itwasher. Brooke was her cousin. She must be. Ian had written in his letter to her gran that Brooke hadn’t known her mum had been adopted until recently. That would explain why she’d only found out she was Ian’s granddaughter a couple of months ago.

‘Are you okay? You look as though you’ve seen a ghost.’ Brooke touched Nina’s forearm.

Looking down at Brooke’s hand on her arm, Nina blinked. They were cousins. Should she say something now? Should she tell Brooke? Right now? Or wait until she’d spoken to Ian? She hadn’t expected to meet Brooke, not yet anyway. She hadn’t planned for this. ‘Sorry, yes, I’m fine, thanks. It’s just been a long morning, that’s all.’

‘We should get a bit of a lull now before the lunchtime rush starts.’ Diane waved to her customer before picking up a cloth and wiping the counter down. ‘And as if on cue...’ Laughing, Diane nodded towards Teresa, making her way towards the counter carrying a trayful of coffee mugs.

‘Thought you could do with a little caffeine.’ Grinning, Teresa placed the tray at the end of the counter and began passing the mugs around.

‘Ooh, thank you.’ Brooke grinned and wrapped her hands around her mug.

‘Thank you.’ Taking the mug Teresa offered her, Nina took a sip, the bitter, woody taste of a good coffee hitting the back of her throat.

‘I hope that’s okay. I wasn’t sure how you took your coffee.’ Teresa nodded towards Nina’s mug.

‘It’s just right. Thanks.’ Lowering her mug, Nina smiled.

‘Good. I know most people aren’t fussy, but believe me, it took me a week to get Diane’s right.’ Looking across at Diane, Teresa laughed. ‘Although that’s only because she has her coffee really weird.’

‘Oi! Whose coffee are you calling weird?’

‘Ha-ha, yours. Most people would agree with me that having half a teaspoon of coffee and two of sugar is weird. It’s more of a warm sugary water mix than coffee.’ Teresa pulled a face.

‘Umm, I’m sure it’s perfectly normal.’ Diane laughed.

‘For you, yes.’ Grinning, Teresa patted Diane on the hand. ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t tease you.’

‘No, you shouldn’t, but I still love you.’ Diane blew her a kiss before turning back to the counter as another customer walked through the door.

‘Love you, too.’ Picking up the empty tray, Teresa weaved her way through the tables back towards the coffee and cake counter, which stood at the back of the area between the bakery counter and the wedding planning counter opposite.

Nina took a final sip of her coffee as she squinted at the photographs above the wedding counter. ‘Is that the restaurant on the beachfront?’

‘In that photo?’ Brooke followed Nina’s gaze. ‘Yes, it’s called Baywater Delights. Daisy and Ollie opened it a few months ago. They hire it out as a wedding venue.’

‘Oh, right?’ Nina nodded. ‘Is it Molly and Wendy who plan the weddings? Sorry, there were so many people at the BBQ yesterday. I’m probably getting everyone’s names wrong.’

‘No, you’re right. Yes, Molly and Wendy are the wedding planners and Wendy also bakes and decorates the wedding cakes.’

‘Oh wow, those on display?’ Before helping Elsie and Teresa in the kitchen earlier, Nina had looked around the bakery, trying to familiarise herself with everything. The wedding cakes and cupcake favours on display behind the glass of the wedding counter were exquisite.

‘Yes.’ Brooke nodded and grinned. ‘They’re great, aren’t they?’

Nina nodded.

‘Right, loves, can I ask a favour of one of you, please?’ Letting the kitchen door swing quietly shut behind her, Elsie carried a large box across to them, balancing it on the top of the counter.

‘Sure.’ Brooke glanced towards her before turning back to her customer.

‘Would one of you mind running these pies up to the pub, please? I somehow missed them off the delivery list this morning.’ Elsie smoothed out a piece of paper and ran her finger down the cursive handwritten list.

‘Have a lovely day.’ Brooke handed across a paper bag to a couple before turning to Elsie. ‘Course we can. Did you want to go, Nina? It might be a chance to see a bit more of the bay?’

‘Umm, yes, okay.’ Nina stepped towards Elsie. ‘Whereabouts is the pub?’

‘It’s just across the cobbles and up the hill. You’ll spot it when you come to it. Could you send my apologies to Gerald the landlord too please, love? I don’t think I’ve missed anything off his order before.’ Elsie rubbed her hands together.

‘You’re distracted, aren’t you?’ Looking across towards Elsie, Diane tapped her fingers against the top of the counter and grinned. ‘What’s going on?’