‘Oh, Diane, love, I can’t get anything past you, can I?’ Elsie chuckled and rubbed Diane’s arm. ‘Daisy has her first scan today.’
‘Oh, yes. Are you going?’ Diane glanced at Nina. ‘Daisy and Ollie announced the pregnancy yesterday evening before you came.’
Nina nodded.
‘They’ve asked us to, yes. Whether me and Ian will be allowed in the scan room, I don’t know, but, oh, I can’t wait to see the little cherub.’ Elsie wiped her eyes.
‘You’re crying already!’ Diane laughed. ‘You’re going to be a mess if you are allowed in.’
‘Oi, you.’ Chuckling, Elsie shook her head. ‘You’re certainly not wrong. Anyway, are you sure you don’t mind taking these pies here to the pub, Nina, love?’
‘Yes, that’s fine. As Brooke said, it’ll be nice to see a bit more of Penworth Bay.’ Nodding, Nina pulled the box towards her.
‘Great, thank you.’ Elsie turned to the kitchen. ‘I’d better get back. I’ve got some rolls in the oven that need getting out, but thanks, love.’
As Elsie retreated to the kitchen and Diane turned to another customer, Nina picked up the box. She was looking forward to getting a bit of fresh air. She needed a bit of time to gather her thoughts, to work out how she was going to spring it on Ian that she had a message from her gran. From her and Brooke’s gran. She shook her head. That felt so strange. It had always been just her and her brother, Finley. They had been her gran’s only grandchildren. The three of them had been the only family each of them had left since their mum had passed away and their dad had left. Just the three of them. And now... and now it appeared their family had suddenly increased.
‘Do you know where you’re going?’
Blinking, Nina looked at Brooke. ‘Yes, yes, I think so.’
‘Okay, great. See you in a bit.’
‘Bye.’ Sidestepping through the small queue of customers who had gathered, Nina walked out into the cool autumn air. What was she thinking? Her family increasing? Brooke might not want anything to do with her, Finley, or even her gran. Her gran had given up Brooke’s mum for adoption, and Nina had no idea what Brooke thought of it all. Would Nina even be able to carry on volunteering once she’d told Ian? Would it make things awkward between her and Brooke?
Coming to the end of the small row of shops along the promenade, Nina paused and looked out across the ocean. Wow, what a place to live. The tall cliffs hugged the bay, the water a beautiful clear blue. It was stunning. And quiet. A small group of people huddled together on the sand, chatting and laughing while two women paddled in the shallow water, their toddlers screeching with excitement as the sea washed over their feet.
It had probably been a completely different story a few weeks ago. She could imagine a place like this being a tourist destination in the summer months. Taking a deep breath, she filled her lungs with the fresh, clean air. There was no point worrying how Brooke would react to the news they were related. Brooke seemed lovely, and she definitely didn’t come across as someone who would hold it against Nina. Even so, the sooner she spoke to Ian, the better.
Chapter Four
Resting the box ofpies on one of the wooden tables outside the pub, Nina rolled her shoulders back. It wasn’t that the box was particularly heavy; it was just cumbersome. She looked across the road at the path opposite as a small stream of school children walked excitedly down the hill. Each held hands with their walking partner, the adults dotted amongst them making conversation with the children in their care.
She hadn’t seen a school on her way up. Maybe it was further towards the top of the hill and they were just starting out on their adventure.
‘Hi, Nina.’