Page 13 of The Lost Princess

She moaned.

The urge to bite her reared up again, and in distress I immediately backed away from her. No. I wouldn’t hurt her. She was already hurt enough!

I growled in frustration and paced around the fire. Her sad, disappointed gaze met mine, but it only fed my anger. I rubbed my face with my hands, upset. My claws nicked the side of my neck, and I hissed in pain. I was being careless in my anger.

The female made a sound of alarm, and I whipped back around to ensure she was safe. One hand was pointing to my neck as she made the alarmed sounds. I huffed, flaring my wings. How should I tell her it was a small wound, and nothing to worry about?

The female tried to stand, despite the pain in her leg. I rushed to her side, pushing her back down. Her arms came around my neck, clamping down. It would be child’s play to break her grip, but she seemed so satisfied with her ‘victory’ that I let her have it. I wanted to see what she’d do.

One finger traced the wound on my cheek, a sad warble leaving her throat. It stirred something in me, but I refused to move. Having her touch me was paradise. My thoughts felt clear, and memories were peeking their heads at me—something about healing, and about blood.

Then she leaned forward, and licked my neck.



Dragon Man was mute, but I could work with that. I needed help, and he was the only one currently volunteering for the job. I’d panicked a bit when I’d awoken to being suspended over amountain, but I felt that was understandable. It wasn’t the first thing you expected to see upon waking.

He brought me to what was likely his home—a small cave cut into the mountain’s side, and set about building a fire.

And he kissed me.

When he leaned in close and pressed his nose against my neck, those same fluttery feelings I’d first experienced with the soldier came racing back, but so, so different.

This was intense. This wasreal. It didn’t seem like a cheap trick.

Something was awakening inside of me. Something that wanted to let him explore every inch of me, and then return the favor. His kiss was clumsy and demanding, but no less passionate or intense. He rubbed his lips against mine as if simply feeling how soft they were. It felt heavenly. When I opened my mouth in wonder, he dove in further. The kiss was wet, but I wanted more.

His body fell against mine, his enlarged parts pressing against my inner thigh. For a moment I felt scandalized, then realized there was no one else here to see, and no one else here to judge. Not even my father, who’d likely scream or rage, demanding this creature to cease immediately.

I melted against my dragon man and kissed him back. His claws tangled gently in my hair and pulled, and I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my throat. His entire body vibrated against me until he froze and threw himself backwards, staring at me with wide eyes. It was the first time awareness glittered in his eyes. For the first time, I felt as though he were truly looking at me, and not just seeing me.

The sudden loss of contact left me gasping. I frowned, pouting a bit. Had I done something wrong? I tried to stand, but fire raced up my leg, reminding me I was badly injured. I reached my hands out to him, pleading.

I just wanted someone to take care of me, as pathetic as that sounded.

Dragon Man puffed around the fire, poking at it and shooting me odd glances. His wings stretched and lengthened, reminding me of a cat flicking its tail in irritation. Then he suddenly snarled and whirled around, nicking himself with his claws.

“Don’t! Be careful!” I admonished him, horrified as dark blue blood dripped down his golden neck. I tried to stand again, too stubborn for my own good. Dragon Man hissed, racing to my side and wrapping his arms around me to prevent any movement. Well, that was one way to do it.

I clamped my arms around his neck, trying to tell him that I wanted him to stay. To my surprise, he let me trap him, eyes narrowing as he sniffed with amusement.

I pressed my hand against the wound on his neck, trying to stifle it.

“You silly brute,” I said sadly.

He gave me a look as if to say he didn’t want my fussing. I stared at the sticky, dark blood in between my fingers, transfixed. My ankle continued to throb, the manacle digging harder into my flesh. A strange desire totastehis blood welled in my chest.

Did it have something to do with how he’d licked my wound closed earlier? Was his blood magick, like in the stories and legends I’d read about in the library?

Stranger things could happen, couldn’t they? My instincts screamed at me, and the pain in my leg was reaching a crescendo. My body moved, leaning into him, zeroed in on his throat.

My lips touched the small hollow of his throat and then my tongue darted out, licking his wound. He froze, every muscle in his body going rigid.

Taste exploded in my mouth. The only thing I could compare it to was one of driest wines I’d ever tasted—the older vintage that Father almost never broke out from the cellars. It was spiced, thick, and the most glorious thing I’d ever had.

The pain in my ankle dulled, but I barely noticed. My nails dug into the back of his neck, refusing to let him go. His breathing hitched in his chest, massive hands and claws resting on my bottom and pushing me harder against him. As wonderful as that felt, I wanted more.