Page 14 of The Lost Princess

Not that I needed the encouragement. Feeling his length pressed between the both of us sent my blood racing. He wanted me. I did this to him.

If Father knew this dragon man was touching me, he’d lose it.

It only made me more aroused. It was obvious why my father had kept me so naive. This felt good. It felt right.

Dragon Man pushed my head back down against his neck, clearly wanting me to take more blood. I hesitated, unnerved by how nice it tasted, and how much I wanted more. That wasn’t normal, was it?

He growled and slit a long line from his collarbone down to the hollow of his throat. I gasped as dark, blue blood welled and dripped down between us. Why had he done that? It was almost as though he wanted me to—

He shoved my head down again, and I wasn’t ready. My nose crushed down on the hard plane of his shoulders, my lips landing directly on the cut. Blood pooled against my mouth, and I couldn’t stop the involuntary action.

I licked my lips.

Urgh, it tasted divine. And was I imaging it or did my leg hurt less? I wrenched my head around to glance down at my ankle, noticing it wasn’t half as swollen.

I wasn’t going to question it. I was going to embrace it.

I lowered my lips to his skin and licked his cut the same way he’d licked my arm.

He groaned in obvious appreciation, but this was all about me. I was desperate to end the pain, desperate to heal my leg. And as absurd as a prospect that seemed, that’s exactly what happened. Slow, long minutes passed while I licked and sucked, getting everything I could. A part of me wanted to bitedown, to get the blood more quickly.

But that would be quite savage, wouldn’t it? I resisted.

After a while, the pain in my leg was nonexistent, but I didn’t want to stop. My gums tingled oddly. Dragon Man was breathing just as hard as I was, those dark eyes studying me in fascination.

No one had ever looked at me like that before.

“You’re quite something, Dragon Man,” I whispered into his mouth, then bit down on his lip.

As though the act were a catalyst, his arm came around my back and he kissed me again as we nipped and dragged each other's lips between our teeth. He picked me up and slammed me back down onto the pile of furs. He settled himself between my legs, wrenching them open with his hands and leaning down to brush his body against mine.

And still he kissed me.

My hands tangled in his long hair and pulled, wrenching a growl from his chest. I growled right back, unaware I could even make such a sound. I bit his lip hard enough to draw blood, but his sharp intake of breath told me he liked it.

One large hand came around my neck and squeezed lightly. I threw my head back and relaxed against him, submitting fully.

I wanted more.

He flipped me over easily onto my stomach, his hands roving all over my back. He grumbled and panted as if frustrated by something. He poked and prodded around my shoulders, frustrated with the fabric of my dress as he huffed and puffed.

I twisted around, impatient. “What? What are you looking for? I don’t have wings like you.”

I took the delicate edge of his left wing between my fingers, stroking down the length of it. He went deadly still, his body shaking and his eyes closing in bliss. He hissed through his teeth.


I kept my touch gentle but firm, eager to explore the new, unexpected sensitivity of his wings. They felt like velvet on the inside membrane, but tougher on the edges, like scales. Curious as to what the rest of him felt like, I kept my hands moving. I couldn’t feel scales on the golden, shimmering skin of his shoulders and chest. My hands went further south, ghosting along his waist and the sharp, hard ‘V’ around his pelvis. The skin became rougher here, matching the edges of his wings. I could feel individual scales.

Would his private parts be similar?

That’s where my courage failed me. I may have been twenty, but my father had kept a close watch on me my entire life, ensuring no one had touched me. I knew nothing about men, aside from the rumors and innuendos I’d heard from the servants.

Perhaps I’d focus on his wings again?

Dragon Man grew impatient, and pushed me down again on my belly. I grumbled in irritation, just wanting to explore each other more. I gasped as he ripped a long gash in my dress, flinging aside the material to access my back and bare bottom. When I felt his erect cock graze against my naked bum, the fun was over.

I wasn’t ready. My entire body tensed.