Page 34 of The Lost Nation

Then again, letting Enya get a few punches inhaddone wonders for warming her up to me. Or that's what I thought.

I wondered if Wren needed the same opportunity to physically vent.

I walked determinedly towards both of them.

“I mean it!” Wren screeched. Her wings flared in warning, but I only lifted an eyebrow. Enya narrowed her eyes, andpointed with one finger to take our argument away from the cave. I nodded to show I understood, and faced Wren.

“You’re angry with me. Let it out.” I told her.

She eyed me with distrust. “Apologize first.”

I blushed, but she right to demand one. “I’m sorry I laughed at your idea. It was extremely callous and rude of me, especially in front of our other mates and friends.”

Enya huffed, unimpressed.

“Nowwill you hit me?” I asked impatiently, eager toget it overwith so we could move on. Enya eyes lit up.

“Iwillsparwith you.”

Then she leapt at my face.

I was slow to respond, which was my fault. I didn’t want to hurt the unmated female who’d suffered so much in her life, but she took my hesitation as an insult. I put my arms up to protect my face, and she landed a blow to my stomach that sent me to my knees.

“What kind of king refuses to keep his warriors sharp? Your father would spar with me once a week!”

I dodged the next blow of her claws, grabbing her wrist and planning to flip her over my back. She countered by sliding under my legs and kicking the back of my knees. I tripped and fell on my face, and the fight paused.

“I see I’m not the only one who needs practice.” Enya gloated.

Wren snorted, and I studied her expression. She watched Enya move with fascination and longing on her face. A quick flick of Enya's eyes told me she noticed it as well.

“Come over here. I will show you how to fight with your bare hands, and make that one think twice before angering you again.” Enya grinned dangerously at me, kicking out Wren's feet into a proper stance and adjusting her arms until she was satisfied with their position.

“Claws out." Enya instructed. "Good. Now hit him.”

Wren shot me an exasperated look, and I smirked. “Don’t worry. It’s not like you could actually hurt me.”

The strange dragon sigil on her shoulder snarled at me, and Enya jumped when it moved. Wren snarled in anger, and threw all of her weight into a punch towards my jaw, which I easily avoided by stepping to the side. She fell wings over claws into an undignified heap behind me, unable to control her momentum.

I suppressed the urge to feel victorious. It was like fighting a drakling.

Enya frowned. “Hmm. Perhaps some footwork is in order.”

The three of us spent the rest of the morning teaching Wren basic exercises, and guiding her through the necessary movements. Both of us forgot our anger as we worked with each other, Wren's posture relaxing and her shoulders loosening.

I hadn’t expected Enya to forgive me so quickly, and wondered if there was another force at work here. She hadn’t exactly been known as the mostpatientof warriors, yet here she was guiding Wren through a beginning combination as though she had all the time in the world.

It wasn’t until we had nearly finished that I caught Enya’s quick glance back at the cave. It happened in barely a moment, but I’d caught it all the same.

Two other pairs of eyes, watching us closely.

Chapter 17


The witch queen. That’s what they called me. Weeks ago they’d been ready to lynch me in the streets for my powers, but now I could have pissed on them and they’dthank me for the opportunity.

It sickened me. I didn’t want their love this way.