Page 70 of Red Wine and Roses

Her eyes grew wide as they crossed the foyer and she spotted his parents. She tried to pull her hand away. “Does that include them?” she whispered.

He held tight to her hand and steered her toward them “Especially them.” He already knew his parents liked her.

“But won’t they expect you to be with someone … you know … someone more suitable?”

He shook his head. “Who could be more suitable than the woman I’ve fallen in love with?”

She stopped walking and stared at him. She couldn’t believe he’d said that any more than he could. He’d planned to tell her tonight, but not right now—not at a moment when they couldn’t continue to talk about it because his parents were right there, turning and smiling to greet them.

“Piper!” said his mom. “I’m so glad you’re here, and you look fabulous, darling.”

His dad smiled at her. “The belle of the ball, absolutely.”

Piper smiled at them. She looked shell-shocked. “Thank you. It’s lovely to see you again.”

“Have you made the move?” asked his dad. “Are you here permanently?”

She shook her head and then shrugged. She was totally at a loss, and Cameron felt bad. “No. I don’t know …” She looked up at him, asking him to help her out with an answer, but the answer was all up to her.

He smiled. “I hope so.”

His mom grinned at them seeming to understand that there was more going on than simply the question of whether Piper was going to continue to fly for them.

“I do, too.”

Piper nodded.

Fortunately, his dad was less tuned in to what was really going on. He frowned. “What on earth is Chelsea wearing now?”

“Don’t, Cole,” said his mom. “She looks beautiful.”

Cameron followed their gaze to see Chelsea coming in through the main doors. She was wearing a long flowing dress. It was pretty, but she looked like she’d be more at home in a field full of wild flowers or at some hippy music concert than she did here. He smiled as his mom chuckled. “She’s a free spirit. You can’t deny that.”

His dad shook his head. “I agree. I don’t wish to deny it; I just wish she could conform a little, sometimes. Is appropriate dress too much to ask for?”

Cameron laughed. “It is if you’re asking Chelsea. Come on, Dad. Let it go? Just roll with it for tonight?”

His dad nodded resignedly. “Very well, but can somebody, please, try to talk some sense into her?” He turned to Piper. “I hope you’re going to stick around. I believe you’ll be a good influence.”

Cameron hid his smile as Piper stuttered.

“Evening, everyone.” Chelsea joined them with a bright smile. “Look at you!” She grinned at Piper. “You look amazing.”

“Perhaps she could give you some tips.”

“Cole!” warned his mom.

Chelsea smiled at her dad and reached up to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Sorry, Pops. I am what I am.” She gave a twirl. “I think this is interesting, and I know you’d rather see me in this than what I wore last year.”

Cameron laughed as his dad groaned. “Last year she wore the minniest mini-dress you’ve ever seen,” he explained to Piper.

Chelsea smiled. “Are we going in?”

“Yes.” Cameron took hold of Piper’s hand again as they went.

Chelsea made a point of looking at their joined hands. “So, are you two officially an item?”

“Yes,” said Cameron firmly. He looked at Piper, and she nodded.