Page 71 of Red Wine and Roses

His mom clapped her hands together. “That’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you both.”

Piper smiled, and Cameron was relieved that she looked pleased.

His dad nodded. “I wondered how long it was going to take you.” He winked at Piper. “I told him on the stag night that he shouldn’t let you get away.”

Piper’s eyes widened, and she looked up at Cameron. He smiled and gave her a shrug. He knew he’d have to explain that one later, but for now, it was enough that she looked pleasantly surprised and not horrified.

~ ~ ~

The evening was much more enjoyable than Piper had expected. She and Cameron had been seated with his parents while they ate. She really liked them and was glad that they were nothing like what she’d first imagined. Yes, they were very wealthy and very well-to-do, but they weren’t at all stuffy or snooty. They were fun. She watched Cameron talking to two older gentlemen. He had them laughing and—just like everyone else—they obviously liked and respected him.

She turned as someone came up behind her and leaned on the back of her chair. “How are you holding up? asked Mary Ellen.

“Fine. I’m enjoying myself if I’m honest.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear it.”

“How about you? Where’s this hottie you were telling me about?”

Mary Ellen shook her head rapidly and looked around the table to make sure no one had heard. “Shall we take a trip to the ladies’ room?”

Piper got up and followed her. “Sorry. I take it your crush is a secret crush?”

“Totally secret. Well, Cam and Chelsea both know, but no one else can.”

“Why not? Who is he? All you told me was that your dreamy guy was going to be here.”

Mary Ellen stopped and turned back to scan the room. “Okay, now that we’re out of earshot, I can tell you that he’s Cam and Chelsea’s cousin. His name is Antonio. He owns a winery in Sonoma County. There he is.”

Piper followed her gaze. “Oh! Sexy! Very Italian looking.”

Mary Ellen grinned. “Yep. He’s Sicilian. His family are all winemakers, too. His brother runs the family winery in Sicily.”

“And they’re the Hamiltons’ cousins?”

“Yes. Mrs. H’s brother married a Sicilian lady and moved over there.”

“I see.” She touched Mary Ellen’s arm. “Should we go and say hello?”

“Hell, no!” Mary Ellen turned and scurried away toward the bathrooms.

Piper laughed as she followed her. “How’s anything going to happen if you’re not even going to talk to him?”

“It isn’t. That’s the point,” said Mary Ellen as she pushed open the bathroom door. “I like to look, but that’s all. I’m not going to embarrass myself by attempting to talk to him.”


“Because. Just because.” Mary Ellen laughed. “Look at me, and look at the women he’s talking to. He’s one of those guys who has the best of everything. He no doubt has his Maserati sitting outside. The suit he’s wearing probably cost more than I’ve spent on clothes my entire life, and the women he dates are usually models or actors.”

Piper made a face. “So, you’re beautiful. You’re smart. If he only likes the best, then he’ll like you.”

Mary Ellen shook her head. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not pulling a poor me or thinking I’m not good enough. Not by a long shot. What I’m saying is that I find him incredibly attractive—physically. But as a human being, he doesn’t appeal much at all. I think he’s pretty shallow.”


“Don’t look like that. Just because someone looks good on the outside, doesn’t mean they have a good heart inside.”

“No, you’re right there.”